Hy 1.0 – Lisp dialect for Python

340 pointsposted 15 hours ago
by Kodiologist



13 hours ago

I was having some difficulty figuring out how Hy actually is translated to Python (and wasn't even sure if it was compiled or interpreted). Eventually I found on Wikipedia the following: > Hy is a dialect of the Lisp programming language designed to interact with Python by translating s-expressions into Python's abstract syntax tree (AST).

Also, looking at the code on Github suggests this compiler is written in Python (see https://github.com/hylang/hy/blob/master/hy/compiler.py).

I kind of wish this was made more clear on the main website. Perhaps, instead of introducing Hy as "a Lisp dialect that's embedded in Python", introduce it as "a Lisp dialect that compiles to Python's AST". The words "embedded in Python" don't make it very clear just how it's embedded into Python. The various ways you can embed a Lisp look very different and have very different tradeoffs.

For example, off the top of my head, I could "embed" a Lisp by writing an interpreter (in C if I care about performance) and letting it be called from Python, perhaps passing in a Python list instead of a string to make it more "native". Or I could "embed" a Lisp by compiling to Python bytecode. Or I could "embed" a Lisp by translating it directly to Python source code. Etc.

Regardless, interesting project!


11 hours ago

From the readme / github page:

> Hy is a Lisp dialect that's embedded in Python. Since Hy transforms its Lisp code into Python abstract syntax tree (AST) objects, you have the whole beautiful world of Python at your fingertips, in Lisp form.


12 hours ago

The "embed" part stems from the fact that you can mix Python and Hy in a project with bi-directional calling. Works great, because it is all Python byte code in the end.


12 hours ago

> this compiler is written in Python

Yes, that's right. Hy is not self-hosted.

> The various ways you can embed a Lisp look very different and have very different tradeoffs.

Hy itself provides options. Typically the process is that the Hy source code becomes Python AST objects, which Python then complies and executes, but you can also translate the Python AST objects into Python source text. Or you can use Python from Hy or vice versa: https://hylang.org/hy/doc/v1.0.0/interop


12 hours ago

The original hy annoucement makes it clear that they embed a Lisp by compiling with Python bytecode. You can see it in the following video about the 16:25 mark



9 hours ago

and for those interested in history, Docker was first announced 10 minutes afterwards on the 26:24 mark.


9 hours ago

Now I know how those guys felt who were on the same episode of Ed Sullivan that introduced the Beatles.


9 hours ago

There is a reason why Hylang was one of the first official Docker images!


11 hours ago

I loved the HYPE POST.[0] I work with corporate software. It is absolutely brilliant.

[0] https://github.com/hylang/hy/discussions/2609


3 hours ago

> I guide the development of Hy as a morally ambiguous iconoclast not totally averse to indefinite nominal executive rule, or "MAINTAINER" for short.

Hehe, clever.


5 hours ago

That post deserves its own star rating! Absolutely brilliant.


11 hours ago

Thanks. I enjoyed compiling a huge list of buzzwords to use for it.


12 hours ago

At long last! Now I can finally clean up https://github.com/rcarmo/sushy (I've been poking at it over the years, but every time I upgraded hy portions of the syntax broke, or things would get moved in and out of the hyrule package, etc.)

By the way, Hy works really well inside https://holzschu.github.io/a-Shell_iOS on the iPad, although the syntax highlighting in vim/neovim needs to catch up to the 0.29+ releases and async.

Although I've tried using Fennel and Guile instead over the years, having access to Python libraries and ecosystem is preferable to me, and with async I can do some very nice, efficient API wrangling (doing HTTPS with fine-grained control over socket re-use and headers remains a pain in various Schemes, so I very much prefer using aiohttp)


31 minutes ago

Whoa, congrats! Been watching this project for years, seeing the steady progress toward a 1.0. It's been no small feat. Congrats! Excited for you!


13 hours ago

Wow! It has come such a long way since its early, humble beginnings.

I saw the original lightning talk that introduced Hy to the world at Pycon those ages ago. Soon after I met Paul and started contributing to the early versions of Hy. I was responsible for the CL-style kwargs (you’re welcome), some minor innards, and a library or two.

Whimsy is useful, especially to keep enthusiasm up. It’s nice when hackers can be hackers and not every thing is business.

While I haven’t been involved in years it brings a smile to me face to see the project continues apace. What a great milestone!


13 hours ago

Congrats! Two questions:

1. Does it support REPL-driven development? (condition system, breakloop, etc.)

2. Is there a standalone distribution? Distributing python in itself is a hassle, ideal situation would be to simply distribute a single Hy binary that contains all dependencies within it (either statically linked or as a zip file extracted in tmp directory).


12 hours ago

not a standalone distribution but:

  uvx hy@1.0.0
gets you into the Hy REPL

  echo '(print "hi hn")' > hi.hy
  uvx hy@1.0.0 hi.hy
prints "hi hn"


(context: uv can install and manage python versions)


10 hours ago

Generally, uv answers the objection that ‘Python sux’ in that it (1) is correct, unlike pip, and (2) is freaky fast.


7 hours ago


>A convenient way to use this class to interactively debug code is to insert the following in the code you want to debug:

    (.run (hy.REPL :locals {#\* (globals) #\* (locals)}))
>Or in Python:

    import hy; hy.REPL(locals = {\*globals(), \*locals()}).run()
>Note that as with `code.interact()`, changes to local variables inside the REPL are not propagated back to the original scope.


12 hours ago

1. I don't know what a breakloop is. Hy uses Python's exception system, which is more like a traditional exception system than Common Lisp's condition system.

2. No, sorry.


12 hours ago

A breakloop is a REPL operating in the context of condition handling. When a condition is signaled, you can use the breakloop to modify state and direct how the condition should be handled (including fixing something local and letting the current function proceed by ignoring the condition).

Seems like that would only be doable by altering CPython to at least have a hook in the initial exception processing (or maybe there is some magic double-underscore thing for that already?).


11 hours ago

I see. That's pretty similar to the feature set of [pdb](https://docs.python.org/3/library/pdb.html). You may then logically ask "Does Hy support pdb?". The answer is "sort of". I've fixed one or two bugs, but we don't test it. I suspect there are various features of pdb that assume Python syntax and would need some hooks to get working properly with Hy.


12 hours ago

I managed to do 2, sort of, with py2app and judicious hacking. You can compile everything to byte code and use Python "single file" deployment tools.


2 hours ago

I'm almost convinced people are pretending to like the Lisp syntax. I just don't get it.

I looked at the Hy vs Python comparison, Hy is just as (if not more) verbose as Python and harder to read and reason about.

Honest inquiry here, what is the appeal or benefit of the Lisp syntax? is it just that some people have a subjective preference for it?


19 minutes ago

Code thats written in Lisp is using AST differently. It makes the process of generating machine code much easier. This in turn enables macros which is meta programming not available in non Lisp languages. However on the other hand I tried this avenue and since most modern computing is not Lisp based it severely limits its potential. I'm hoping for a Rust based Clojure or variant. Clojure has the problem its based on the java ecosystem which has severe downsides. A lisp thats based on python doesnt make much sense to me personally python isnt a good language to write other languages in. I think Zig and Rust would be the interesting choices. One attempt: https://github.com/clojure-rs/ClojureRS

See also: https://paulgraham.com/avg.html


2 hours ago

I don't think (fn x y z) is all that different to fn(x, y, z). The lack of finicky operator order or other syntax footguns is nice. You're basically looking at the AST as you work. You're one fewer layer of abstraction removed from the logic you are composing.

In real world Lisp, alignment conventions are used that make even a fairly nested function readable at a glance. You'd also generally work using something like paredit, so you're kind of shuffling the S-expressions around like legos. It's not a language that you'd want to write in something like Notepad.

The most important thing about the syntax, though, is that since it's basically the AST, a Lisp macro can effectively manipulate the AST directly and on the fly. This is incredibly powerful, and would be hard to achieve in an Algolian language like Python.


2 hours ago

I find non lisp harder.

In blub lang based on c:

Fn(Val Val Val) to f(1,2,3) or

Val fn val 3 + 3

In blub lang based on lisp

(Fn val val...)


14 hours ago

Congratulations -- and thank you! I've been playing with Hy on and off (tried to do transformers with it, and then released https://github.com/kunalb/orphism written in hy). Time to pick it up again and take it for a spin


14 hours ago

I enjoyed the less serious part a lot. I wish more programming related projects could embrace the whimsical. That might the best way to honor the python tradition in any case :)


14 hours ago

I eliminated a lot of whimsy from Hy and its documentation years ago because it was distracting and created noisy test failures, but I did go too far at some point, and have tried to reintroduce a little whimsy more recently.


4 hours ago


I wrote a book oh Hy, so now tomorrow I will update all the examples to version 1.0

Not counting work on my book, I don’t use Hy more than perhaps five hours a month, but it is a fun language, with good Emacs support. Thanks!


3 hours ago

You're welcome. There are no actual breaking changes from 0.29.0, so you're already up to date if you got that far.


14 hours ago

Congratulations! I once bought your eBook on Hy, and still today I regularly receive notifications about your book having been updated. Thank you for your steady contributions. I really want to use Hy in one my production apps one day.


14 hours ago

The author of the e-book is a different guy, Mark Watson. He isn't involved in the development of the language.


13 hours ago

Oh, thanks. He seemed so enthusiastic about Hy :-)

I just read through the author list on the Hy repo and had a glimpse into their blog posts. Cool stuff, great work.


14 hours ago

Very exciting. I'm in awe of the long-term commitment (over 10 years) that was required to get this to 1.0.0. It renews my faith. Well done.


10 hours ago

(one) nice thing about Raku is it does a surprisingly good lisp impression out of the box…


[thanks to Larry Wall’s penchant for collecting stuff]


7 hours ago

Strange, the Lisp example has a lot of syntax, even though the article claims it hasn't.

letrec, lambda, or & and are not functions in Scheme.


4 hours ago

Does Hy offer any features that Python lacks (e.g. dynamic binding)? I find the syntax of Lisp to be the least compelling of its many features.


10 hours ago

I'm wondering, is it worth learning Hy if I don't know any python? (coming from a clojure background) Or is python knowledge a prerequisite?


8 hours ago

Learning Python is not required to get started and do some simple stuff, but it is effectively required to master Hy.


14 hours ago

EXCITING! Can't wait to give it a spin!

(Does `let` work? I remember that being a barrier for a while.)


14 hours ago

Remarkably enough, yes, we got it to work, on our 3rd or 4th try.


12 hours ago

Yep. I use it a lot.


12 hours ago

Any downsides to using Hy (over Python)? Other than my coworkers don't know Lisp?

More concrete: Are there Python language features I can't use in Hy? Or performance penalties in using Hy?


12 hours ago

> Are there Python language features I can't use in Hy?

At the semantic level, no. I work to cover 100% of Python AST node types with Hy's core macros. It does take me a little bit to implement a new core macro after the CPython guys implement a new feature, but you can always use the `py` or `pys` macros to embed the Python you need, should it come to that.

> Or performance penalties in using Hy?

Compiling Hy (that is, translating it to Python AST) can be slow for large programs (I've seen it top out at about 3 seconds), but at runtime you shouldn't see a difference. Hy always produces bytecode, which can be used to skip the compilation step if the code is unchanged.


12 hours ago

You take a little performance hit upon initial startup (from a clean filesystem, while __pycache__ folders are created). Other than that, mostly everything is the same.

I'm now figuring out how to pack images to OpenAI REST calls (using my own REST wrapper), and everything is peachy. Here's my test snippet (mostly to b64encode the file):

    (import aiohttp [ClientSession]
            base64  [b64encode]
            asyncio [run])

    (defn :async pack-image [filename]
      (with [h (open filename "rb")]
          "type" "image_url"
          "image_url" { "url" f"data:image/jpeg;base64,{(.decode (b64encode (.read h)) "utf-8")}" }

    (defn :async main[]
      (print (await (pack-image "request.hy"))))

    (run (main))
This shows you async, context managers, selective imports, f-strings... etc. All that you need, really.


7 hours ago

Sure - you are piling another transpilation layer on top of already slow Python.

Why not just use something closer to the metal: Common Lisp, Scheme, Clojure, Racket? Especially, use a compiled language, instead of an interpreter.


7 hours ago

If I were to guess, it's to be able to use the all the packages in the Python ecosystem, directly. It's for situations in which Python is already a given. In fact, it's probably the case that many Python programmers can't even use this, due to being in a situation in which even the poor syntax is nonnegotiable.


11 hours ago

Lack of self-contained tooling. Idle doesn't work with Hy. You'll probably need to fiddle with Emacs to set your environment first, before being able to do anything beyond playing with the language in the REPL.


10 hours ago

IDLE is not designed for this, obviously. But you can debug Hy using standard Python tools.


9 hours ago

I remember Hy! It blew my mind back in 2014 and is still cool today, it's great to see it still going and congrats on releasing 1.0.0!

Also great timing after the recent Python Preprocessor post: https://pydong.org/posts/PythonsPreprocessor/

Could Hy hypythetically be implemented as a preprocessor like https://github.com/tomasr8/pyjsx?


9 hours ago

Hy-pothetically, yes, you could take Hy code in and spit Python code out via `hy2py`. I think at one point I considered supporting this officially, but then decided there was really no advantage.


4 hours ago

That's how I'm using Hy at my job—I write Hy then hy2py it into Python, lightly polish the compiled Python for human consumption, and then share that with my Python-fluent but Lisp-illiterate coworkers.


11 hours ago

Great news, congratulations!

Years ago, under the influence of Lisp romanticism late into my university years, I worked on a domain-specific language for designing and analyzing control systems as my senior design project, using Hy! Just checked, it's been five and a half years to be specific. Really, time flies.

Here it is for anyone curious: https://github.com/celaleddin/gently

Since then, I've been following Hy from a distance and it's amazing to see it's still active. Thank you everyone involved!


14 hours ago


Could you compare the language with Clojure?


14 hours ago

Well, this is a little embarrassing: Clojure was one of the biggest influences on Hy in its youth, but that was mostly before I got involved in 2016. I never actually learned Clojure. So hopefully somebody who knows both Hy and Clojure well can answer. I can tell you that at run-time, Hy is essentially Python code, so Hy is more tightly coupled to Python than Clojure is to Java; a better analogy is CoffeeScript's relationship with JavaScript.

I get the impression that Clojure tries to convince the programmer to avoid side-effects a lot more strenuously than Hy does, but it's still not a purely functional language, so I don't know how consequential that is in practice.


12 hours ago

Clojure has a good collection library with immutable/persistent data structures, but as a language it allows side effects and has some mechanisms to manage them. It is also possible to call any Java method from Clojure.

Clojure does not work with Java ASTs, it translates into JVM bytecode directly.


13 hours ago

I haven't used Hy, but I am the maintainer of a Basilisp which also compiles to Python and aims for reasonably close compatibility with Clojure if you're interested.



12 hours ago

Cool project!

Wondering how custom immutable data structures fit in with the Python ecosystem.

Particularly, I know that NumPy arrays and Pandas Series/DataFrames are the popular data structures used in research computing in Python (for Statistics, Data Science, Machine Learning etc.). These data structures afaik are mutable, however (for performance reasons), so at least the aspect of immutability from Clojure cannot be easily integrated with the Python ecosystem.


12 hours ago

This project is much younger and used by many fewer people than Hy, so I couldn't really speak to this besides my own opinions. The few who have started using it and contributing seem to just be using it as a way to write Clojure while interacting with popular Python libraries and tools. Kind of the same way that interacting with the Java ecosystem is often more pleasant from Clojure (IMO) than in Java itself.

I've tried to facilitate strong Python interoperability despite the variety of otherwise incompatible features of each language. It's trivial to work with immutable data structures using Clojure idioms and then convert them to Python data structures (as needed) at the boundaries, but the immutable data structures used by Basilisp are also generally compatible with Python's core (read-only) interfaces so that conversion may also not be necessary if you aren't expecting the called function to perform any mutations.


10 hours ago

Yay! The birth of a language is a beautiful thing.

I’m curious about the macros: how are these implemented? They seem like pretty straightforward unhygienic Lisp macros, which is a little bit of a disappointment, but better some macros than none at all! Anything about the macro system that distinguishes it from the Common Lisp system? E.g. anything borrowed from Scheme or Racket? Docs are sparse here.


9 hours ago

It’s far from new. In 2012 I worked for a shop who used an internal package named “hy”, and the introduction of this Hy made our builds break in a novel and interesting way.

(Also, use something to insure your own internal packages have a higher priority, alright? That’s a lesson I didn’t need to learn twice.)


9 hours ago

Super happy Hy 1.0 has been released! It was the first proper open-source project I contributed towards and I don't think I would have been as engaged as I am in the community without it.


10 hours ago

I looked the examples page, but it was a little disappointing. Every example was something that was easier (and sometimes shorter) in Python.

It would be awesome if there were an example of something that can't be done in Python because it takes advantage of lisp's "functions are first class".


13 hours ago

Congrats. It's been a great pleasure to watch it evolve. :)


13 hours ago

Congrats on the release! Very impressive.


12 hours ago

Ну, молодцы.


14 hours ago

Does Hy also work with Mojo?


14 hours ago

I'm not sure. I was going to say that Mojo is proprietary software and so I've never tried it, but I just checked and apparently it's free now. If nothing else, you can probably get a lot of Hy code to run on Mojo via `hy2py`, if Mojo supports a lot of Python as it claims to.

Edit: actually, confusingly, the GitHub repository for Mojo doesn't have an interpreter. The language is still proprietary.


13 hours ago

Thank you for the hy2py pointer and kudos @ 1.0.0!


12 hours ago

Not sure either, but it should. I do test it every year or so with pypy.