Flappy Bird for Android, only C, under 100KB

326 pointsposted a day ago
by lostmsu



18 hours ago

Really wish the app store had a "only apps under 10MB" filter.

The fastest, least ad-filled and micropayment filled apps are usually the small ones. By downloading a 3 megabyte thermometer app you'll be much happier than a 150 megabyte thermometer app.


17 hours ago

I remember there was a publisher in Play Store who had very small apps like single digit kb flashlight, sudoku, calender, etc. I can't find them now. Those apps were really small all within <200kb


16 hours ago

Google Play probably kicked them off for not using latest Android SDK or something. So many tiny and high quality apps were lost.


12 hours ago

This is something that really bothered me - I had an app that was small and worked fine on the latest Android OS, yet they took the app and account down because we hadn’t uploaded a new version in a year. Appeals didn’t help


6 hours ago

That's horrendous, but it fits with Google's method of releasing a product, immediately abandoning it, and shutting it down permanently a year later.


9 hours ago

What was their reasoning?


8 hours ago

To keep you running on the hamster wheel.

They'd ban Mozart and Shakespeare from the app store if they could.


7 hours ago

I don’t think that was their reasoning.

Like, Google, all these megacorps, they are bad, but we should at least argue against their actual arguments.


7 hours ago

3P app developers are also complicit. Often they deliberately cut off support for old OS's and old devices, because it's "too hard" to support them or whatever. Everyone seems to be working together to keep us on the hamster wheel.


4 hours ago

Granted, it is hard. It's a whole extra version to QA on. If it works fine, fine, but if there are consistent negative user reviews on a version with < 5% market share, it's not worth it.

We don't support old iOS versions at all. We can't source new devices on old iOS versions so we can't reliably develop or test on them.


7 hours ago

There may not have been any. Individual app-store reviewers can block you any time they feel like it, the guy checking your appeal is the same, and none of them have any real pressure to behave unless you have money and corporate power behind you.


15 hours ago

Google is not only killing their own projects, but other people's, too.


11 hours ago

I'm no fan of Google, but it's slightly more complicated than that, there's a lot of security and privacy stuff that can't be enforced if your app was build 6 years ago and still slopping around.


10 hours ago

Does that really matter for a local-only 5KB app that only talks with my phone‘s flashlight, or reads sensor data? Now, maybe for the 500MB adware-filled “flashlight” app that connects to 100s of servers and demands access to everything my device can do, but that would be banned on any competent app store anyway.


9 hours ago

I don't know if this is still the case, but at one point the permission needed to access the flashlight also gave access to the camera. And there aren't restrictions on network connections from apps. (I'd love to have app network access restricted by permissions, but that would be a large change.)

And in any case, Android has had built-in flashlight support for a while now, for any phone that has a camera with a flash. Is the "turn the screen bright white" style still useful with modern Android?


7 hours ago

It is if your flashlight's broke.


9 hours ago

No but enforcing policy is manageable. Enforcing reasonable security measures based on nuances and case by case situations is not manageable for an ecosystem of that scale.


13 hours ago


13 hours ago

This (Simple Mobile Tools) used to be a good set of apps. But it got bought up a an ad firm. The new, still ad free apps, are known as Fossify: https://play.google.com/store/apps/dev?id=729783837865432255...


12 hours ago

I'm surprised to hear this. Fortunately it doesn't look like the source code itself got taken over [1], and of course F-Droid, which is always the best place to get any open source Android application, still has the same version as the latest Github release. [2]

These applications are blessedly feature complete, and I haven't noticed any issues being "stuck" on the F-Droid versions.

[1] https://github.com/SimpleMobileTools/Simple-File-Manager

[2] https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.simplemobiletools.filema...


10 hours ago

Ah yeah.

Forgot about that!


14 hours ago


14 hours ago

The Simple Mobile Tools suite was sold to an adware vendor last year. Plenty of links to stories if you're interested, even here on HN.


12 hours ago

I can't even get angry at that, because it seems like just another popular business pattern:

* build a nice product

* become popular and gain trust with customers

* sell the company to a scammer

* profit!


9 hours ago

I’d do that in a heartbeat. I have a family to take care of. My customers can follow me to my next project.


9 hours ago

> I’d do that in a heartbeat.

> My customers can follow me to my next project.

If you are willing to sell your customers to an ad firm, why should they trust your next project?


14 hours ago

Weird that their GitHub says "without ads", but the apps in the play store say contains ads. It looks like they're doing ads/paid model in the app store, are they ad-free from F-Droid?


13 hours ago

It was sold to an adware vendor that is milking the brand hard. Another one for the 'used to be great' pile


4 hours ago

Install from F-droid :shrug:


10 hours ago

f-droid is a great way to find bloat free apps


11 hours ago

Aurora Store can at least filter by paid/IAP/has ads


8 hours ago

> 150 megabyte thermometer app

Does such a thing really exist? Or are you just making a point?


4 hours ago

For reference the first app I got on Apple App store (ignoring the ad result) for "thermometer" is > 100 MB. Looking at the first ~dozen only 1 comes in under the <10 MB category. The two biggest offenders of huge app sizes are shipping cross platform runtimes (the kind that tend to throw in the kitchen sink, not the kind that act as a thin layer) and tracking/analytics bloat.


11 hours ago

The red flag for me is that they're all “free.”

Let me filter by apps that cost money, are ad free, and sometimes even: don’t have in-app purchases.


13 hours ago

That reminds me of one reason I got out of mobile app development, totally forgot about until now

Often times the hiring managers wanted to see something more akin to a portfolio, like an art project, for apps that many times didn’t exist anymore or have a production server up anymore

But the more arbitrary metric was trying to be sure that I worked on anything “big”

And the 8-12 megabyte package sizes - which I spent a lot of time optimizing with many competence inspiring techniques - would signal that the app or service or userbase wasn't big. Which had nothing to do with anything, could have hundreds of millions of downloads and users

In that space there is a huuuge incentive for bloatware


9 hours ago

I have never experienced nor heard of a hiring manager determining the outcome of a candidate based on the MB of an app they worked on. I would run away from working for a company like that.


4 hours ago

Oh, does that manager also measure productivity in lines of code? And maybe even a movie by the amount of money spent?


9 hours ago

Doesn't fstore have a filter for that?


11 hours ago

I continue to be puzzled by how much smaller apps are on Android, ex. Took me 9 tries, including ads, to find a thermometer app over 7 MB. I've worked on both platforms for years and yet don't really know why. Only guess is Android has a much richer tradition of vector art over bitmaps, and Swift libraries had to be compiled in for years until ABI stability enabled using dynamic linking to OS ones


4 hours ago

Publisher not also being a major hardware vendor helps :-|

(Only partly a joke, etc.)


14 hours ago

How would this feature handle an update that increases the file size? What about apps that download assets after you install them?


13 hours ago

Isnt this one of the world’s software ...why would a thermometer (for example) app need updating? And, would you let it?


12 hours ago

Because a thermometer is software and software is imperfect. Perhaps it made some assumptions that causes phones that were released after the app was released to drain the battery very quickly. Or it has a calculation error where over time it accumulates a significant difference between the measurement data and the data that is rendered on screen. Or perhaps it's using an API that we all thought was safe, but turns out it's not. Or it needs to use an API to get temperature data (thermometer can have different meanings) and the API no longer exists.

Even something as silly as an app that does nothing can run into these issues. The APIs and other interfaces used to run applications are imperfect. Sometimes doing nothing about it is a choice, sometimes the vendor doesn't deem that acceptable and then it is no longer a choice. Either way, the application will have to adapt or degrade (to the point where it degrades out of existence).


an hour ago

Hardware is also imperfect, but "good enough" is much easier to accept in the context of hardware. Good enough should also be good enough for software.

Changing from using one system API to another shouldn't push an app over an N MB filter anyways. If the user runs into an issue, they can update. Otherwise, if it still works fine just continue to use it.

The argument for updating to keep up with API changes can also be flipped against updating to protect against UI/UX changes. I have lost features from Android updates that I have never been able to get back on my phone, only recreate them on my GNU/Linux desktop.


12 hours ago

Why, what's wrong with 172MB calculator app?


12 hours ago

A calculator app doesn't need that many megabytes of code and assets to be a calculator app. So if an app is way bigger than it should be, it usually means one of two things (usually!):

1. The app was not very optimised, perhaps created by a novice, containing a lot of things it doesn't need.

2. The app used to be really small, but a lot of extra code was added to serve you ads, profile you for better targeting or do sneaky stuff you didn't ask for.


10 hours ago

If a trip to the baker took 172 days, there would be over 171 used days to justify; if it took 172 engineers to change a lightbulb, it would have to be a very special lightbulb or explanations should be in order. Besides uses of concern of the extra resources spent, it simply just makes no sense.


9 hours ago

Nothing, but it better have a fully featured computer algebra system baked in.


8 hours ago

Early versions of Mathematica were only a few dozen MB and certainly have more functionality than probably most calculator apps you can find that are much bigger.


12 hours ago

Whatever is in the extra 150MB. Ads, spyware, bloat, slow performance.


11 hours ago

i would say 'whatever is in the extra 171.97 megabytes'

i wrote a calculator app including its own implementation of decimal floating point and it's still only 20 kilobytes


10 hours ago

1. I doubt this includes GUI

2. The Qalculate CLI is 2mb, so perhaps your 20kb calculator could add some features while still being a 100% pure calculator


10 hours ago

People here are vaccinated against sarcasm it seems


10 hours ago

People arrived to this shore after having experienced that what they considered unbelievable and untenable is actually believed and held by some - who may not even seem to be particularly an uncommon tail of an emerging population.

And this is why a good '/S' keeps you safe from misunderstanding.


19 hours ago

Tangentially related, I once wrote a literature review on why people play Flappy Bird. I was a graduate student in game studies at the time. Ultimately, I never pursued the academic route, just sharing it for fun.

For the curious minds, here it is [1].

[1] http://www.fdg2015.org/papers/fdg2015_paper_60.pdf


17 hours ago

I have always felt there is something fascinating going on behind Flappy Birds' infamous difficulty curve that warrants deeper study.

On the one hand, there is no actual progression or ramping of difficulty in the game itself. The difficulty level remains the same whether your current score is 0 or 10 or 100. But every new highscore represents a new summit that the player has to scale. The first and maybe the most frustrating summit to scale is scoring a single point. To get your score into the double digits, the player has to have basic mastery of the core mechanics - including the precise physics, and timings- and learn how to handle a certain number of scenarios. The obstacles on the path to triple-digit territory and beyond seem almost self-imposed. The fear and tension as you approach your own highscore is the biggest impediment to breaking your highscore. Once you break that highscore - the hand tremors magically disappear the next time you approach it, only for it to re-appear as you near your new highscore.

All this, when the basic concept of the gameplay is deceptively simple. Like i said, there are many layers to unpack for someone who is willing to look into it.


10 hours ago

Look at almost ANY arcade game of the 70s/80s. Most of them weren't designed with an end in mind. You play as long as you can for the accolades that come with posting your initials on the scoreboard.

Asteroids is a quintessential example - relatively flat difficulty curve once you've mastered the game - it really comes down to a test of the player's endurance. Scott Safran set a record game that lasted a grueling 60 hours.


EDIT: Anyone who has EVER tried for a high score (whether a personal best, or a world record) is familiar with the natural nervousness that increases in direct proportion to how close you are to breaking it. That's not a Flappy Bird thing, that's a literal every game thing. Go watch a live stream of a speed runner that's got a heart rate monitor attached to the feed for example.


15 hours ago

Many early 80s 8-bit console games worked this way. I'm thinking of games like Transbot for the Sega Master System. There are a few different levels, with various enemy configurations and scenery, but it has no ending and goes on forever without any real changes.


9 hours ago

This was the case for me with Flappy Bird and also that old Temple Run game circa 2011-ish.

It's almost more of a game of focus or how much you will _think_, because once you're distracted a bit and forget those physics or timing just one time, you're probably done.


14 hours ago

Asking for a friend, are flappy bird’s levels always the same, or are the pipe heights/opening sizes random?


13 hours ago

If I remember correctly, it was random.


12 hours ago

The openings were identically sized, but their position was randomized.


18 hours ago

"It is surmised that conditioning is enforced via several cogni- tive biases that trick a player into expecting euphoria (liking- pathway), when instead frustration is yielded – with condi- tioning being iterated to a point that the player is motivated to interact with the game on a foremost instinctual level. We posit that these stimulations of the wanting-pathway may lead to players interacting with the game not only with- out actually liking it, but also without knowing why they are interacting with the game. Indeed, this calls for drawing another parallel between drug addiction, and play behaviour in which liking may be barely exhibited (cf. [16, 38, 40])."


13 hours ago

As an expert in Flappy Bird I Will tell it's because people love to approximate polynomials...


15 hours ago

Thank you for sharing, great work!


7 hours ago

I did something similar in Nim and published it in 2020 (less pretty graphics however). The difference is that I went deeper and actually wrote an assembler for the Dalvik bytecode and .apk files:


The code in the repo has unfortunately bitrotten. I am sometimes thinking to try and resurrect it Some Day™... from time to time I think of some simple app I could write if it was a bit more polished.


20 hours ago

Less than 4k loc.

   457 android_native_app_glue.c
   360 audio.c
   802 game.c
   201 init.c
    93 main.c
    39 mouse.c
    38 shaders.c
   229 texture.c
  1377 upng.c
    27 utils.c
  3623 total


18 hours ago

A student of mine had an assignment to write a game using SFML, they wrote a FlappyBird clone and it was like a few hundred lines of code. It's not a very complex program to write. To be honest, I think 4k is too much :)


18 hours ago

Are you including SFML loc in that total?


17 hours ago

3623 total - 1377 upng.c (3rd-party tiny PNG image decoding library) = 2246


18 hours ago

To be fair, Android itself requires some level of fluff.

So does making the game work well in more than one device.


12 hours ago

game.c is 800 odd lines. There are some optimizations you could do here and there (e.g load digit sprites in an array to avoid the switch case 1/2/3... stuff).

The bulk of the 3000 is fluff that you need because this is C on Android, not SFML.


18 hours ago

A shame that 4k loc compiles to over 100k of binary size.


14 hours ago

It compiles to 37kb of 32bit code and to 48kb of 64bit code.

  /lib/arm64-v8a/libflappybird.so    48kb
  /lib/armeabi-v7a/libflappybird.so  37kb
  assets:     29kb
  icon:        3kb
  signature:  12kb
Plus the manifest (2kb) and resources.arsc (0.5kb)


14 hours ago

It doesn't. The total APK size is less than 100k, including images and sounds.


17 hours ago

actually including both architectures: armeabi-v7a + arm64-v8a

to check:

- dependencies statically compiled-in

- debug symbols


13 hours ago

I was under de impression java gluing was required to create Android APKs. Really nice to see this project. 0 java files. Bravo.

Also worth looking at the rawandroid project like others noted: https://github.com/cnlohr/rawdrawandroid/tree/master


12 hours ago

The reason you have Java glue instead of C glue in most cases is that Java's is easier to write. Whatever you do, you need a Activity instance to run, and while you can create one from C, it requires a lot of boilerplate that is mostly taken care of by inheritance in Java. Here's how it's done in plain C: https://github.com/VadimBoev/FlappyBird/blob/master/FlappyBi... https://github.com/VadimBoev/FlappyBird/blob/master/FlappyBi...


12 hours ago

Also even the "pure" C one depends on Java, because Activities exist only on the Java side of Android.

In practice to be usable on a standard Android system, native code must always be compiled to a shared object, with JNI entry points to be called from Java userspace.

The only option is to write such native methods ourselves, or use one of the two predefined Activities for NDK that already expect specific functions to be present on the shared library.

Additionally, the zero Java part only works, if what NDK exposes as stable API is enough, and from Google's point of view, that is only for games, or faster compute, everything else requires JNI fun.

As tip, it is easier to deal with Android IPC for Java <-> NDK communication, than going through JNI boilerplate.


11 hours ago

Couldn't one simply make the boilerplate once, as a library, that takes the pertinent bits as arguments? In which case if your app is C anyways it would make sense to just keep it simple with that.


21 hours ago

Really cool! I just love seeing Android apps that weight less than a 1MB and run anywhere, even on your old HTC.



20 hours ago

Also an assessment of speed gains would be nice.


15 hours ago

Super Mario Bros was just 40KB



11 hours ago

It was also made to work on exactly one hardware specification, with no operating system to speak of. This flappy bird clone works on an immeasurable number of devices, with varying hardware AND software configurations!


10 hours ago

Cosmo gives you what you described above and it’s <10kb



8 hours ago

Well these days cosmocc -mtiny is more like 120kb, now that our binaries support ARM platforms too (like Android!) and all the code I've needed to add to make sure Cosmo works reliably for a longer tail of edge cases. But that's saying a lot, since unlike these APKs cosmo binaries don't need a gigabyte JDK to run.


13 hours ago

Missed opportunity: name it Floppy Bird since it fits on a 3.5 inch floppy disk.


8 hours ago

That came to mind for me too, but unfortunately the name has already been taken by a few clones; the most notable being a trivial reskin that uses a floppy disk icon instead of a bird.


11 hours ago

here in argentina everyone calls it 'floppy beard'. and of course 'angry birds' is 'ongry beards'


20 hours ago

Could this technique, using rawdrawandroid to write C applications for Android, also use raylib (and other C frameworks)?

And maybe could this developing system be used through Termux, to have a C development environment on Android for Android?


18 hours ago

Yes, raylib does support android. I have a slightly incomplete build script I use for my raylib projects (obviously you need to take better care of signing, you probably want to build for other targets besides aarch64, your SDK is probably not installed in /home/denis, and I'm not sure whether I'm adding .so files to apk in a way modern android prefers, but it still works).



8 hours ago

It is refreshing, and nice to see programs/games/apps that are "crafted" vs just slapped together out of existing, bloated third party components.


20 hours ago

"For Android" implies Java is usable, and bytecode can be very dense, so IMHO this could be even smaller.


18 hours ago

I'm honestly surprised at the 100k figure. In my mind it should be possible go far lower. 10k sounds vaguely realistic.


18 hours ago

if you're willing to compromise on the graphics and just get the core gameplay, I reckon you could do it in a 512 byte x86 bootsector.


16 hours ago

I think it can be optimized quite a lot by not using a stock PNG decoder library, because all images are quite simple and can be generated from non-pixelated smaller sprites (many images are pre-scaled by 2x, which can be done during the postprocessing) or from a simple algorithmic code.


17 hours ago

Right. I meant with the graphics though.


16 hours ago

Weirdly, I think the challenge would be more difficult going to Android than adding graphics while keeping the size down.

It would not at all surprise me to see a near perfect Flappy Bird under 4k (graphics and all) as a PC .com

I'd be curious to see what the minimum size of a simple C program would be. Say something that displayed a pixel that bounced up and down as you tapped.


16 hours ago

Nice codebase . That's some if the best looking C I've seen in a while.


20 hours ago

That's amazing! I wish there was something like rawdrawandroid for Rust.


20 hours ago

Same, would like to see the same but implemented in Rust


17 hours ago

This reminds me of code golf, an activity I had some good fun with as a young teen.

Coincidentally, one of my first contributions to the community was a low fidelity "flappy bird" clone in less than 0.5 kb of javascript. Maybe someone will find fascination in my old hobby and its surrounding community:



16 hours ago

Do you still accept more optimizations? :-) I believe there are tons of mechanical substitutions that can be made there, for example `i%17?r+=z:r+='|\n|'+z` should simplify into `r+=i%17?z:'|\n|'+z`.


14 hours ago

If constrained by size of result rather source you get sizecoding, a generalization of demoscene.


6 hours ago

You should check out .kkrieger an fps game in 96kb. A relic from the demoscene.


20 hours ago

Great work! Good to see what only it takes to run on Android! On the other hand it also shows how much comes "for free" or made easier by using the provided sdks. For example volume control doesn't work while running this. Also resuming the game after switching away. Maybe that's relatively easy to save and restore state, though.


12 hours ago

Why so many bytes? I wrote one using just 141 bytes and it took just few seconds to write, and it is the first functional game I've ever written). Result: https://claude.site/artifacts/3b35069f-4d51-4415-9f58-69988c...


10 hours ago

I'm not sure if this is a joke or not, but there's no actual graphics in this besides a yellow ball and green rectangles, while the OP game has actual textured pipes, a textured floor, a background scene. The score counter looks to use a basic system or browser font, while the OP game has a custom font. The OP game has also high score tracking, sharing, a proper main screen instead of just dropping you into gameplay.


4 hours ago

It's a haha-only-serious joke about using a prompt to write it. Sort of impressive it's even that far along, but OP's effort is far more interesting to me


11 hours ago

nice! but how big is the .apk?


12 hours ago

This is impressive, especially that it's fully in C.

I'm wondering, can you debug C apps on Android?


11 hours ago

Possibly through Termux... Surely for shell commands, I would say; I am not sure about hooking the debugger to a package


19 hours ago

So this is an android apk, and not a Linux app that just happens to run on android? I'd really be curious as to why most android apps are huge...


18 hours ago

Most Android apps are huge because they bundle tons of assets just to accommodate the “initial experience of the user”. Also, using bloat libraries and frameworks (any shipped by Google), increase the apk size.

Nowadays Google offers a solution for this problem called app bundling. It’s especially good if you build a mono app that behaves differently in certain regions. Instead of delivering a raw apk, you deliver a region specific app bundle.


18 hours ago

I'm unaware of any apps that behave totally differently in different regions.

Sure - there are sometimes a few disabled features in one region or another, but is that really worth shipping a totally different binary for?

Even language packs can be tiny even for 200+ languages if they're pure text.

It's only when you get language/region specific artwork that there's a problem.


17 hours ago

You’d be surprised how heavy a language pack is!


13 hours ago

I made a sub-100k Android app once (I am now banned from the Play Store, and I should be lucky they didn't delete my Gmail account too) and every time I opened the IDE (Android Studio at the time) it would automatically add a Google "support library" to the project that Google obviously wanted to force me to use. If I forgot to remove it and built the app, it would be closer to 10MB. So that was the minimum size of almost every Android app at the time.


19 hours ago

isn't this kind of what Flutter is? a (relatively big) framework to just draw frames to a barebones Android app.


8 hours ago

On a technicality, yes, but I think most developers who use it do so because of the large collection of React-style user interface components which are built into it. Now that Jetpack Compose exists (which allows for traditional Java-based widgets to be used in a 'reactive' way), personally I don't see any reason to use Flutter. That 'drawing directly' aspect puts Flutter apps several years behind in terms of performance, accessibility and reliability, since pretty much everything in the Android API needs to be reimplemented in Dart.


13 hours ago

Too fast on my Samsung A52s


14 hours ago

Interesting to see what a Windows-based project looks like. I haven't used Windows for ages. Seeing the .bat files and vsproj files gave me nostalgic feelings.


12 hours ago

Add it to Fdroid


20 hours ago

i realised recently, there is a correlation between the file size of a game and how likely i am to enjoy it.

the smaller the file size the more likely i am to enjoy it. and the opposite is true.

i think part of it is time investment. having less time. i dont see much value in 60gb of 4k graphics textures.

pac man on the atari or snes is maybe less than 100kb, while modern pac man could be easily 10gb or more. same for tetris or any game with the same gameplay that hasn't changed much.


19 hours ago

I totally support this!

Coincidentally I wrote a small 2048-inspired game just recently, it's under 13 KiB (zipped; the "real" file is about 30 KiB): https://js13kgames.com/2024/games/king-thirteen

If you're interested to check it out, please tell me what you think :)


19 hours ago

The game I like most is a multiplayer immersive reality game in 0 bytes called frogger, where I'm the frog.

Beat that! ;)


20 hours ago

You'll love Desert Golfing then.


16 hours ago

Animal Well is 33 MB and is absolutely great