Stupid Problems Require Stupid Solutions (Cloudflare Is Breaking My SVGs)

42 pointsposted 4 hours ago
by thunderbong



2 hours ago

So this is not Cloudflare, the hosting service, renaming SVG attributes as they are served, but the Cloudflare Pages build process hooked to the developer's Git repo.

Weird behaviour. I'm interested in reading the actual reason that build ends up doing this.

(Side note: I really wish people would leave out the image memes when writing something like this. The animated one at the end even makes it hard to read the final paragraph.)


an hour ago

Do you have html/js/css minification turned on in your cloudflare account/domain?

It seems from the articles conclusion that it shouldn't be related. But I had similar issues with SVG and css when I first deployed my nuxt app to CF pages. I only thought to try turning off CF minification because there was some tiny footnote about it being an issue on CF somewhere in the nuxt docs or maybe GH issues.


an hour ago

> Sorry, you have been blocked > You are unable to access



2 hours ago

Hey, at least here cloudflare isn't inserting captchas into json (turns out Roundcube webmail breaks horribly when someone does that!)