The Age of Software Artisans

79 pointsposted 7 hours ago
by jairojair



6 hours ago

Artisan is not a bad metaphor. Take furniture. There's a place for IKEA, and there's a place for expensive, hand-crafted Scandinavian furniture.


an hour ago

I'm not sure building furnace is a good metaphor for crafting good software.

The nature of software is that every piece of it can be mass produced (copied and distributed) once the first piece is finished. All the 'artisan' effort goes into making that first copy.


an hour ago

I have written a lot of software for myself or some close associates that is really only for our purposes (or sometimes just for our amusement). Certainly I could trivially distribute the software to whomever I wished, but it wouldn't be useful, appreciate it, or perhaps even run outside of the environment I wrote it for.

For instance I have some lovingly crafted bash scripts, that feel somewhat artisan. They keep my home server humming along, applying updates, making regular backups, and reporting status. The scrips are very tailored to my use and would not easily integrate elsewhere.

I could have used off the shelf software for much of this (ala "IKEA"), I'm sure, but I am a tinkerer, hobbyist, and, if I flatter myself, an artisan.


an hour ago

That's a pretty narrow view of software too. The nature of building software systems is not always towards being able to mass-produce them. What would be the point of copying and distributing 10K copies of my script that runs migrations for one legacy database in a very specific way?


an hour ago

So we'll have expensive artisanal software for rich people? Self-assembly takes a whole new meaning for the rest of us.


5 hours ago

> there's a place for expensive, hand-crafted Scandinavian furniture.

And then there’s Italian craftsmanship


5 hours ago

you get it! I think the exactly same way.


5 hours ago

where in the analogy does social software fit?


5 hours ago

Are you referring to that article about software that serves a small local community?

I can't remember the name of the author but there was an interesting article about this, I think from some college or university in New York, talking about some examples of software that was set up at specific locations on the campus for specific purposes, and explaining how they wouldn't have worked as an online global thing.

Edit: Here it is!


4 hours ago

I'm going to be a little negative, so please bare with me.

The world needs artisanal programmers like it needs artisanal attorneys. See:

    How is an artisanal attorney different from any other attorney? Like other artisans, I pay close attention to my ingredients and process; I am intimately involved in all stages of creation. Other attorneys print their documents on paper they buy in mass-produced boxes, tens of thousands of sheets at a time, using ink that mechanically jets onto the page. I make my own paper by hand,...
This article is so similar to this satire I couldn't believe so many commenters were taking it so seriously.

If you are new to programming, this is a mostly ridiculous notion which plays to your vanity. While admiring your reflection, be careful not to fall, face first, in the pool.

Now, how do I know? Because this isn't the first time I've encountered this idea. Jonathan Blow, in his own way, has been making the same silly argument for years. As I've said before -- his frame of "programmers were real men once" makes each video/rant seem both one note and self aggrandizing.

For him, it seems to be a marketing exercise, but also an intellectual muddle, which with one breath tells you to romantically forget this is an engineering discipline, with economics and tradeoffs and constraints and compromises, and with the next, which actually helpfully(!), tells you about physical constraints of the machine. See:

The problem as I see it is that Blow and Muratori are half right about most things. They're almost always right about the particulars of programming (strict OOP patterns and "Clean Code" aren't great for performance). It's their frame that "civilization is in decline" (or "programmers were real men once" as here) that is wrong/catastrophic. Civilization simply has different priorities than game engine priorities (performance is a constraint, but not the primary constraint of most software).


18 minutes ago

“Civilization in decline” is overstating the problem.

It is a common refrain that performance and security are poor because they are not priorities. The corollary being that the only reason things are slow and insecure is because we do not try to make them fast and secure due to incentives. If the industry were incentivized, then wham-bam secure and fast. Right now.

That is wrong. The incentives against fast and secure have been going for so long that the institutional knowledge, if it even existed previously, is not present. Programmers have spent their entire careers not knowing how to make things fast or secure. They do not know how to make things fast or secure, right now, even if the incentives changed. Making things slow is not a tradeoff or a choice as they do not even know (right now) how to do the alternative.

Yes, if the incentives changed then the industry as a whole could relearn how to do things over years and decades. The individuals who adapt and learn the new techniques that are now incentivized would thrive and come to dominate the industry. But, it is a relearning process, not a overnight thing.

This is analogous to the loss of manufacturing expertise in the US due to offshoring and then the process of onshoring. You must rebuild the knowledge and experience. Except it is even worse in this case because you can not even bring the offshore experts to re-teach you what you have forgotten. You have to learn from the scraps of forgotten lore and rediscover and reinvent what was lost.

This is more like the loss of knowledge involved in making the Saturn V rocket. Sure, we could make a new Moon rocket if the incentives aligned, hell, we could probably make a better one with modern technology, but we can not do that right now. We must relearn and retool to achieve that.

That is the problem they are seeing, whether they actually realize what is happening or not, and it is a serious problem if we need to make a sudden course correction to achieve these goals if they suddenly become incentivized (*cough* security *cough*). If we decide to change when we need it right now, then we are in for a rough few years to decades.


3 hours ago

> this is an engineering discipline

oh, well. I just checked all 7 old and new wonders of the world and all of them needed engineers. I don't think being an engineering discipline limits software in any way related to what can be achieved with it.


3 hours ago

> I don't think being an engineering discipline limits software in any way related to what can be achieved with it.

I don't either. I think programming can be art, etc.

My issue here is that I don't think favoring artisanal methods are part of the appeal of software. We are much more interested in what software does.

For instance, it might be useful to know x86_64 vector assembly. It might make your program run faster. It might even be necessary for you to know it for your program to work correctly. What I am saying is -- if a higher level construct exists, like C, C++, or Rust, which can produce an equivalent program, but you choose to write your entire program in x86_64 assembly, because that is/was the artisanal way, that's mostly unimportant/irrelevant to the user, except as an oddity.


3 hours ago

Got it. I don't think writing in x86_64 is any more artisanal than Python or JavaScript. It's actually quite easy to make the distinction. Assembled software - using multiple libraries in place of crafting (almost) every piece of it - is the opposite of artisanal software. You can have that with assembly, C/C++, Java, or JavaScript.

As an example, I'm developing an IDE from the ground up. The current conventional approach would be to fork VSCode, a bloated, slow, over-engineered, ultra-complex Electron app reliant on Microsoft's standards.

Alternatively, I can code it artisanally, which will likely result in something worse in many ways and break in unexpected ways. But for my specific use case, it provides a much better user experience than taking the assembly-line approach to software development. The chances of this project failing are much higher using this customized approach than if I used the assembly-line method, but it doesn't matter to me - coding it this way is already so much more fun.


2 hours ago

> Assembled software - using multiple libraries in place of crafting (almost) every piece of it - is the opposite of artisanal software.

> The chances of this project failing are much higher using this customized approach than if I used the assembly-line method, but it doesn't matter to me - coding it this way is already so much more fun.

I am sympathetic to this way of thinking about "artisanal". I guess for me it has so much baggage re: food, I don't think of it this way. I'd perhaps call that/your way the "DIY way", because you're right -- it is sometimes appealing and advantageous, even if I'm not certain that's what the article intended.


an hour ago

> even if I'm not certain that's what the article intended.

I have the impression that was exactly the intention of the article:

  > In the coming years, we’ll see more and more people making software like someone building a table in their backyard or garage, they’ll enjoy the process and add their own personal touch.
  > If you love coding the way we do it now, keep at it! enjoy every moment, improve yourself, learn new things, keep coding!


an hour ago

> > I don't think writing in x86_64 is any more artisanal than Python or JavaScript. > I have the impression that was exactly the intention of the article:

Okay, but you seem to be ignoring the first half of the article. You know the part that tells us it is a great big joke:

"Real Programmers wrote in machine code. Not FORTRAN. Not RATFOR. Not, even, assembly language. Machine Code. Raw, unadorned, inscrutable hexadecimal numbers. Directly."


an hour ago

True, I think I really skipped that quote. I disagree with this part and think it doesn't link very well with the conclusion or with software artisans. Not sure if I mixed it up or the author :)


2 hours ago

Sure but demand for world wonders is low. Demand for basic cookie-cutter houses is very high.

An engineer's job isn't to build something perfect or beautiful, it's to build something that's just good enough for its intended use case. Lots of software engineers forget that.


an hour ago

> An engineer's job isn't to build something perfect or beautiful, it's to build something that's just good enough for its intended use case.

Why? Who is responsible for making it look good? fast? resilient? The architect? In software development the engineer can be the architect, the decorator, the user. AI will unleash the age of artisan software - which already exists, so many great free software developers came before us but now it will spread like a "plague". It has the potential to disrupt SaaS as we know it today.


4 hours ago

But aren't there artisanal attorney's?

There are some in specialized areas, perhaps even inside a specialized area there are a few firms that are known to be at the top, and find creative solutions to problems. They aren't all Law-and-Order.

Same with accountants. Sure, it's all number crunching. But then why do some become the top business leaders, the CEO's. Maybe because in that field, being a top artisan and able to play with financial instruments, allows you to build a business. (and I'm playing devils advocate for the small percentage of accountants/business that are actually trying to build something, not just playing with money to bilk people)


3 hours ago

> But aren't there artisanal attorney's?

Not in the way there are artisanal bread-makers. See the linked article.

> There are some in specialized areas

Let's presume the following definition:

    artisanal: (of a product, especially food or drink) made in a traditional or non-mechanized way.
I am saying -- there is no attorney marketing their unique skill with the Smith Corona Galaxie or with a quill. Instead, you probably want them to write a brief for you and don't particularly care how they physically do it.


3 hours ago

I guess by this argument, writes/authors also cannot be 'artisanal'?

This seems like we are instead discussing a narrow definition of 'artisanal'.

Where I was taking more broad definition of someone at the top of their 'craft', an expert with deep knowledge of a specialized area.


3 hours ago

> This seems like we are instead discussing a narrow definition of 'artisanal'.

Perhaps see the article. This is the definition which is most like the definition it uses.


3 hours ago

Software is somewhat unique because the design, execution, and mass distribution can all be one step. So you really can be a software artisan, though the world needs the mass production kind of software too.


3 hours ago

> So you really can be a software artisan, though the world needs the mass production kind of software too.

I think this is true only if "artisan" means whatever you want it to mean. Here, you seem to think it means "made by one person." But, here, my definition, and the definition of the article, is "making software using the old methods."

   artisanal: (of a product, especially food or drink) made in a traditional or non-mechanized way.


3 hours ago

Ah, I guess you’re right.

To me, “artisanal” means one / very few experts carefully crafted a custom product to their own exacting standards, driven by their internal need for perfection rather than guided by a spec sheet / quality level specified externally.

There are definitely hackers who do this.


6 hours ago

My 10,000 hours are well behind me and I build web apps a bit like this. Previous jobs are like a shed full of parts that will get 60% of the way there, and the rest is making a couple of custom parts and a lot of fettling. Sometimes I build a table from scratch just to remind myself I can.


6 hours ago

I have attempted, in vain, to bring this kind of thinking into the companies and teams that I have worked with. They don’t want it.

And in interviews, no one wants a Software Artisan. The cynic in me says that it’s because people want the job security of the typical bullshit position and don’t want anyone upsetting that.


5 hours ago

Companies don’t need software artisans. They need replaceable people who can do the job until they run out of investor’s money.


4 hours ago

> replaceable people

Until that mindset changes, the disasters will keep coming.

Achieving true "replaceable people" is a major task. I have seen it done (properly), and suspect most folks on this board would be aghast at the compromises that need to be made. I didn't like it.

I managed a team of extremely experienced C++ engineers that were really hard to replace, so I did my best to keep them on board.

As to "artisan"? I don't really care what I'm called. I like coding, and I like writing really good UX.


4 hours ago

Why do you think the mindset that everyone should be replaceable is wrong / leads to disasters?

I agree completely that it's not trivial and comes with its own trade-offs and side-effects, but when you achieve a good chunk of it, it brings a lot of flexibility, stability and peace of mind for everyone involved.

You can put more people on some task because it's not something only one person can do. You won't nose-dive when somebody leaves. And developers know that they can go on vacation and don't need to worry about what's going to happen to the rest of the team (I know that not everyone thinks like that, but in my experience enough people do).


2 hours ago

It's really a long topic, but the basic TL;DR, is that people are not interchangeable, unless you reduce the task to the lowest common denominator, and that means that we squander the talent of the most skilled, in order to cater to the least skilled. Basically, tell good coders to write bad code, because bad coders need to understand it.

We get "meh" results.

The issue is that everyone seems to be fine with "meh."

That's a shame.

The alternative is hire only good coders, and do what it takes to keep them around, and that's a really unpopular stance.


4 hours ago

Not all companies float on PE money.


5 hours ago

McDonalds isn’t looking for a chef.


4 hours ago

Actually, you make a great point: these companies attempt to convince employees that they’re not McDonald’s, when that’s exactly what they are.

And I shouldn’t be falling for it myself.


2 hours ago

I’ve avoided working directly for the tech industry. I was contacted by Google and Amazon without ever having reaching out to them but that was right before the mass layoffs. Beside high level proprietary projects I’d rather work for myself doing whatever I want.


5 hours ago

Artisans don't scale.


5 hours ago

The problem with hiring artisans is that most companies need a Honda Civic not an Enzo Ferrari.

If they hire an artisan it’s just going to be frustrating for everyone involved. The business will pay more than the value received and wonder wtf and the artisan will be bored out of their mind looking for fun projects to do.


5 hours ago

Artisans can make objects out of raw material, but they can also take apart objects to reclaim raw material. Software engineering tends to only ever do the former, because traditional toolchains are a one-way street from source code to assembly code to object files to programs.

That article rings very differently to me because of the tooling I've developed. With the ability to break apart programs into object files and reusing them to make new programs, I can do the latter. In a sense, using both pristine source code and second-hand binary code to make programs is as artisanal as software development can get.


3 hours ago

That’s awesome. As software gently rots, I suspect this kind of radical maintenance will only get more relevant.


5 hours ago

> break apart programs into object files and reusing them

So, libraries?


5 hours ago

No, it's actually ripping out bits from an executable and turning them into relocatable object files. The technical term I've come up with for this is delinking, although the decompilation community calls it binary splitting.

Putting it another way, you can make libraries out of a program with this technique.


4 hours ago

Anyone with the patience to read through an existing github repo can do this? If there are valuable bits to be salvaged it's easy enough to copy-paste them into a new library if you so choose.


4 hours ago

Well, it's one of those things where you know the rules so well that you can break them, but my Ghidra extension is indeed on GitHub:

Unless you meant copying source code from GitHub, which isn't an option if the program is a 1998 PlayStation video game and you don't have the source code for it.


4 hours ago

Is that meaningfully different from reverse engineering? You can't use individual functions without knowing the data structures they operate on, and info about data structures is usually not present in the final binary*.

* (excluding languages that compile to an IL like C# of course, but decompiling C# is trivial)


4 hours ago

> You can't use individual functions without knowing the data structures they operate on, and info about data structures is usually not present in the final binary.

It turns out you can. Linkers do not care about types or data structures, all they do is lay out sections (a fancy name for arrays of bytes) inside a virtual address space and fix up relocations.

I've written case studies on my blog where I've successfully carved out whole pieces out of a program and reuse them without reverse-engineering them. I've even made a native port of a ~100 KiB Linux a.out x86 proprietary program from 1995 to Windows and all I had to do was write 50 lines of C to thunk between the glibc 1.xx-flavored object file and the MinGW runtime.

One user of my tooling managed to delink a 7 MiB executable for a 2009 commercial Windows video game in six weeks (including the time required to fix all the bugs in my alpha-quality COFF exporter and x86 analyzer), leaving out the C standard library. They then relinked it at a different base address and the new executable works so well it's functionally indistinguishable from the original one. They didn't reverse-engineer the thousands of functions or the hundreds of kilobytes of data inside that program to do so.

This is complete heresy according to conventional computer sciences, which is why you can't apply it here. I'd be happy to talk at length about it, but without literature on the topic I'm forced to explain this from basic principles every time and Hacker News isn't the place to write a whole thesis.


3 hours ago

The question on my mind: how do you figure out what the functions do without reverse engineering?

If I were to guess, you're saying that you reverse engineer the API boundary without reverse engineering the implementation. But then figuring out what the API contact is without documentation seems intractable for most API boundaries.


3 hours ago

For context, my tooling is a Ghidra extension, so there's all the usual Ghidra stuff that applies here.

Indeed, it depends what the API boundary is for the selection to be exported.

If it's the whole program without some well-known libraries (like the C runtime library for a statically linked executable or the Psy-Q SDK for a PlayStation video game), then the API boundary is trivial in the sense that it's a documented one. The hard part is actually figuring where those libraries are so that you can cut them out of your selection while exporting.

If it's a particular subset internal to the program then it's trickier because you don't have that (but if you know you want to export it, then you must already know something about it). Traditional reverse-engineering techniques do apply here, it's just that you only care about the ABI boundary instead of the whole implementation, so it's usually less work to figure out.

However, if you get it wrong then the toolchain will usually not detect it and you'll have some very exotic undefined behavior on your hands when you try to run your Frankensteinized program. Troubleshooting these issues can be very tricky because my tooling doesn't generate debugging symbols, so the debugging experience is atrocious.

I've always managed to muddle through so far, but one really nasty case did take me a couple of weekends to track down (don't cut across a variable when you're exporting because you'll truncate it, which can lead among other things to corrupting whatever was laid out next in memory at runtime when the original delinked code tries to write to it).


4 hours ago

Yikes. I can't imagine the circumstances where this would be a good option for software that's going to be used beyond a quick one-shot job.


4 hours ago

It's very useful if you don't have access to the original source code.

You can do things like decompiling a program piece by piece like the Ship of Theseus. The linker will mend both original and rewritten parts together into a working executable at each step.

If you change the functionality of the rewritten parts, you have a modding framework that's far more malleable than what traditional binary patching allows.

As for quick one-shot jobs, I've created an assert extractor for a PlayStation video game by stuffing its archive code inside a Linux MIPS executable and calling into it, without figuring out the proprietary archive format or how the code inside the delinked object file actually works.


4 hours ago

I might just be at a very different environment but the usual basic software discussions (class design, database modeling, architecture) are mostly irrelevant as there’s always some premade thing I can use to do the job and most of my time is either making sure requirements are clear of that the teams are aligned on their deliveries.

I think 10 years ago I cared a lot about this whole software artisan thing, nowadays I’m happy when stuff gets to prod on time and doesn’t cause large scale incidents. I wish I could have these problems and spend time discussing what the best architecture is or what class design is the best


5 hours ago

At what layer of abstraction are you no longer an artisan? Or doesn't it matter?

It's a nice "label" but it's a bit murky what it means the farther away from machine code (the raw materials) you get. Are you an artisan if you use an IDE?

I do enjoy the sentiment however.


5 hours ago

I think it all depends on amount of care you put in the human aspect of the software. Does it solve a specific need for a person you can name, or the stories are all about imaginary characters and generic persona. Crafting requires empathy and the realization that this will be used by and for people, and you want to make it easy for them (even if people means you as one person). And the promise to make it better the next time you're working on it or something similar.


5 hours ago

Is woodworking valid with power tools or is the tool doing the art? What about a CNC in the workshop? I think it’s all valid because the art is in the planning and resulting furniture. Same thing for coding. Even an LLM needs human creative input.


5 hours ago

It depends purely on the level of snobbery you want to strive for.


5 hours ago

It’s not snobbery, it’s knowledge and craft. You depend on the transfer of that knowledge from one generation to the next.


4 hours ago

Except we don't, because technology advances and techniques get lost because they're no longer useful. I have no idea how to make a buggy whip or drive a horse to market, because we don't do that anymore. I'm sure someone can find a manufacturer that survived the downturn but a lot of that knowledge has simply been lost to the sands of time.

Fortunately we have YouTube University and (for now) the Internet Archive, where hopefully current techniques won't be lost, but we'll just have to see how the future goes.

The privilege to use old timey techniques and then sell furniture on the basis that no power tools were used in the making of it is practically the definition of snobby, as if using power tools to make furniture lead to bad energy being imbued in the table that makes it unsuitable for being used as a table. You don't have to buy any furniture if you don't want it, especially if it's poorly made, but power tools don't automatically mean it's poorly made. You can make really shite furniture with hand tools just as much as with power tools.


2 hours ago

Knowledge transfer is a serious thing in important companies. Technology advances but it’s based on the same logical and mathematical principals. Techniques aren’t lost, they’re warehoused. I’ve rewritten advanced data structures that were purposed in the 1960’s, successfully applied in the 1990’s, and they’re still relevant and cutting edge today.


5 hours ago

You know what an artisan is though. There are varying degrees of artisans and craftsmen. Just extend that metaphor to programming. Layers of abstraction aren’t infinite. I’d say metal on metal is a master craftsman in terms of programming.


5 hours ago

Everyone is saying that LLMs will kill programmers.

The author here has the right idea, and the correct historical context to back it up.

Generative AI will 10x (at least) the number of people that program computers, but that programming will look different than it does today.

Gone are the semicolons and curly braces we’re so used to, just like BEQ and JMP before them.

Truly gone? No, the next Rollercoaster Tycoon has yet to be built :)


6 hours ago

I would like to thank this website for reminding me to drink water.


6 hours ago

Agreed (in fact my profile claims I do artisanal software :-)

But I go further - software is a form of literacy, and everyone should learn to code, just as at some point we thought “hey laws are written down, novels are great, policy manuals and international letters help, let’s teach the peasents to read” and all of a sudden we have working class people going to university and discovering things like Relativity and Covid vaccines.

Software is literacy and we will all benefit when we can run / examine our society through it.

Book to follow


5 hours ago

I sure hope we can get to a happier software harmony, of enjoying code and systems.

One of the recurring trends thats cropped up is so called barefoot developers, folks just cobbling together some kind of task not for big industrial software with millions or even dozens of users, but just because it makes their lives or a small group of people's lives better.

Maggie Appleton recently followed up with a post saying that these are the folks ML/LLMs might best be able to help. To get them their stuff.

But I also have this feeling, that almost all the webdev we do is artisanal handcraft as is. We hand author endpoint after endpoint for our objects even though there's this high degree of similarity across endpoints; authorize/validate the request, do the thing in the db, return it to the user.

Part of me is sick as shit of just how artisanal software is; it stinks like rot that we keep cranking out more piles of code for each entity & as we intricate/complicate/embellish each entity/resource. We so rarely have broader high level systems where we've escaped from hand crafting web server middle tier glorified-translators of a very basic 3-tirr client-server-db architecture.

I just want companies to pay me to tell them how much less they could do, if they let me PoC their system in something ordered & higher order, such as Hasura. Like CORBA, the UML world also has great scorn as unmaintainable, but again it's like, those folks felt on to something amazing & mighty & we have immense unsurvivor anti-bias, we are pat & confident that this tower of babel built too high & all future towers too will fall & that the effort is folly.

But man, the chaos & lines of code we have been creating as an industry is just so unnecessary & so out of control.


4 hours ago

I agree obviously. But each time I look at my code, it’s subtly different from one entity to the next, each one with its intricacies.

Yes I’ve coded permission systems a hundred times. But here it’s wired to the app we integrate with, and here it’s wired with groups. Here it’s by document, here it’s by space. A thousand hoops, never the same exact logic. Like a thousand humans, never the same identical one. We humans can see the same parts and easily designate “a human”, but this pattern recognition ignores a lot of important details. And those details are what makes IT accurate and reproducible, which has been the trait we’ve liked about it.

Since 1970, have we misled ourselves in believing we were repeating the same patterns, while in fact, every program really was different?


2 hours ago

"Artisan" is covering a great deal of ground.

At a previous job, probably fifteen years ago, we were replacing one bit of niche software (the company was gone, it was unsupported, and it had some very antiquated methods of ingestion, like faxes) with another, mostly similar bit of software. Continuity was desired.

Different philosophies went into structuring the two databases, so it was like lifting a vast set of webs made by social spiders from one tree and placing it on another, just for the data import. I interviewed various people who were in different roles as to how they they used the old system. I checked the databases to see what they did not tell me about how they actually used the system. I scoured over the incoming data feed sources and made robust ingestion processes, validating and correcting and logging. Knowing the vagaries of software vendors, I wrote bits to detect changes made by vendors to the database structure, or at least the portions I cared about, and whine when those occurred. I grokked how the several different roles people had in interactions with the system led to differing needs and desires, incorporating as much of how things "used to work."

The eventual juggernaut which resulted was something of a force of nature, a compilation of my best thoughts on my best days, outperforming me. It would tell you if a new type of data appeared which had not been announced, whom to ask about this data, and where to put it. It functioned for a decade of my oversight, occasionally murmuring that it wanted this or that, but without changes to the code.

That was the artisinal bit to me, that it was carved to fit some very exacting spaces, such that you hardly knew it was present. Yes, it took extra time. Yeah, it was just me. But the fit was tight and the finish was smooth.

(Naturally, some bright spark got a touch of the New Broom Syndrome and blew it and all of the documentation away after I left, I am told that there are continual complaints about the system now. Sadly, with even minimal prompting, the various tiny details arose from memory, prompted by the SMS messages.)


5 hours ago

That’s what I’ve been working towards, even despite recent trends.


4 hours ago

Ive always thought that software is a lot more of a creative expression than we give it credit for. As much as we try to think of it as an engineering discipline, code exists primarily to communicate to other humans before machine. There’s a lot of humanity in writing and reading code and therefore a lot of ways to observe art in it.


4 hours ago

It definitely fulfills the same itch as painting or photography for me weirdly. But that goes away the more “corporate” and tedious it is. But luckily my job gives me a lot of leeway. It can be and largely is a creative field I’d say. There’s room for traditional and formal engineering in it, but I don’t think that’s the majority