Show HN: Grap – A self-hostable temporary email service

2 pointsposted 16 hours ago
by ivstiv



15 hours ago

I would really enjoy a "compared to" section in the readme, showing why one should choose this project over its competition. If it's just a "because I wanted to" situation, then the readme section would be very short but still helpful

For my curiosity, why limit the number of email addresses?

and, merely for your consideration: since you are already going to the trouble of booting up a regex to check it <>, go ahead and extract it simultaneously, avoiding the pitfalls of .split()

  > const ma = /^Bearer\s([a-z0-9]+)$/.exec("Bearer alphabeta");
  > ma[1]
  > /^Bearer\s([a-z0-9]+)$/.exec("Bearer hello world");


12 hours ago

Good shout on the getting of the token!

The limit of the emails was added mostly, so I can restrict my demo on, so it is less convenient for abuse. It is a configurable system setting.

As for the comparison, I mostly started this because I couldn't find a self hostable solution at the time and did not like the pricing models of existing services. They were an overkill for my needs. That being said I wouldn't say I can compete on features with any of the established solutions, they are much more sophisticated. I just needed something simple, so I coded it.