Redis users considering alternatives after licensing move

39 pointsposted 3 hours ago
by ohjeez



14 minutes ago

> Redis CEO Rowan Trollope defended his company's move away from the more permissive interpretation of open source. He said the decision was designed to prevent AWS and Google from charging for Redis in their database services without paying for it.

This seems to be a similar reason why Elastic Search moved from open source.

From the founder/CTO of Elastic:

I never stopped believing in Open Source. I’m going on 25 years and counting as a true believer. So why the change 3 years ago? We had issues with AWS and the market confusion their offering was causing. So after trying all the other options we could think of, we changed the license.

But who knows what the future holds? Maybe the Redis team will change their mind and revert back the decision like Elastic Search did a few weeks ago:


2 hours ago

Valkey is just the way to go. No real reasons to stay with Redis. Valkey is supported by multiple industry players and by the Linux Foundation.


an hour ago

I would gladly switch to a valkey redis compatibility layer if it supports xstreams.


2 hours ago

How does valkey compare with garnet?


2 hours ago

Haven't used either, but Garnet's dependence on .NET runtimes is possibly going to hinder widespread adoption.


2 hours ago

You mean the cross platform framework? That will hinder adoption? Or do you mean the “Micro$oft is evil” people that still refuse to believe, even when provided links, that .NET is open source? And can even build a single binary?


2 hours ago

> Or do you mean the “Micro$oft is evil” people

you know, I live in one of those countries that traded licenses for power.

Microsoft demanded a software self-audit from our company (we use Linux on 100% of our computers). When we refused they reminded us that it was mandatory, otherwise they would send an auditor who will access our premises with a judge's order (with cops and everything) to do the audit and then bill us for their time, even if they don't find computers running windows.

are you telling me that I'm an extremist or something for avoiding MS' stuff when perfectly fine alternatives exists?


an hour ago

This looks like a troll response, but I will respond earnestly anyway in the spirit of open discussion.

What I mean is that if you many (most?) web applications run on Linux. There are a set of applications and libraries with which Linux users and admins are broadly familiar. In general, .NET is not one of those.

And that's fine! .NET is obviously very successful and runs a huge percentage of the biggest sites on the Internet. BUT if you're talking about replacing Redis, a Linux stalwart, the unfamiliar runtime is a thing. Besides, Redis in particular does not require special dependencies to be installed.

(Out of curiosity, I clicked from the Garnet page to the .NET install instructions. 7 clicks deep into the MS documentation are the relevant apt-get commands. Starting from is almost as bad, but because Redis is already standard, nobody would start there.)


2 hours ago

I can't place it, but .NET just sets me off on a bad foot. I much prefer just a binary I can run and get on with my life


an hour ago

You have literally fallen into the same thinking of the people I described. You've been able to build to a single binary for several years. Now you can even do it natively, so no JIT.


2 hours ago

Couldn’t you do that with self contained dotnet build?


2 hours ago

It’s not that, it’s .NET is weird tech on Linux. You have to install a new and different runtime. Config files are xml and stored in different places? All sorts of crap.

Vs just running a binary. So simple.

People put up with Java for a while but it’s declining in popularity.


an hour ago

Is there a language or tool with no runtime? Also Config files can be JSON. I find nothing weird when it comes to .NET on linux vs any other technology


an hour ago

The Redis runtimes are colloquially referred to as "Linux" and do not have to be installed by the user.


an hour ago

I think you're really picking at nits.

"apt install redis-server" on my server says that the following will be installed:

- libjemalloc2

- liblzf1

- redis-tools

Garnet requires .NET, so...

apt install aspnetcore-runtime-8.0

Acting like Redis works "out of the box" while Garnet requires a whole other paradigm shift is disingenuous. I have no dog in the fight - I use macOS and I don't use Redis or Garnet.


an hour ago

Garnet doesn't support Lua scripting, which is quite useful for custom atomic operations.


2 hours ago

They had Elastic as an example to work off of (and how badly that was received). They did it anyway. No sympathy.


2 hours ago

I would take the continued fall of the dominoes (Mongo, Elastic, Hashi, Redis...) as a sign that the impact on the businesses who do this is positive or neutral, and it's just the HN bubble that creates the sense that there was an outsized public outcry over the changes that should make other companies wary. These guys aren't following suit blissfully unaware of the backlash against similar moves: as they measure it the backlash was weak enough that the business folks decided it was worth it to follow suit.

In my experience working in the industry, I wouldn't even have noticed that any of these license changes had happened if I weren't on HN. My company uses all of Mongo, Elastic, and Terraform and there hasn't even been a whisper of switching away from any of them.


2 hours ago

So how do you interpret that Elastic has switched back to a FOSS license?


2 hours ago

That they're being fully honest and open about the fact that it doesn't matter anymore and they would rather be open source if possible? I don't have any compelling reason not to take them at their word when it comes to their motives, because no data I can find suggests that the switch was bad for them.


2 hours ago

I guess I don't really understand the blowback when a project tries to monetize, but not when AWS takes your free shit and monetizes it for themselves.


2 hours ago

>I don't really understand the blowback when a project tries to monetize,

Your starting premise of "monetization" being the issue is incorrect ... which then causes the misunderstanding of the blowback.

Instead, the blowback is about changing the license as I outlined before :

It annoys the community when Redis starts out with a permissive license that attracts outside contributors including employees from Tencent+Alibaba+Amazon+Bytedance+etc who collectively commit more code than Redis employees [1] ... and then later change the license which destroys the goodwill that attracted the outside contributors in the first place.

[1] code stats since 7.0.0 release:


41 minutes ago

No, I understand that changing the license is the issue drawing the reaction. But it looks like they're changing it in order to monetize.

> It annoys the community when Redis starts out with a permissive license that attracts outside contributors including employees from Tencent+Alibaba+Amazon+Bytedance+etc who collectively commit more code than Redis employees [1] ... and then later change the license which destroys the goodwill that attracted the outside contributors in the first place.

This is a very fair point.


2 hours ago

When an open source project achieves success it does so on the backs of not only those who use it, but those who contribute. Sometimes these contributions are not just code but also include constructive feedback, bug reports (some very detailed with repros), documentation, advertisement by way of blog posts about the ways consumers use it, and more. While i fully believe that other players should be expected to contribute monetarily or with code, I also don’t believe that you should fundamentally change the relationship between the project and the consumer because the consumer has built a product on or with your project. They chose to build that product based on the license you provided them. If you didn’t want to license it that way then don’t do so from the beginning and you probably won’t get as many of the aforementioned benefits.

If I choose to open source something it’s because it’s either a passion project or it solves a problem that myself and others struggled to solve. I don’t open source it under the expectation of eventual profit. In fact, i hope by putting it out there it might become better as others improve upon it and we all benefit.


37 minutes ago

> If I choose to open source something it’s because it’s either a passion project or it solves a problem that myself and others struggled to solve. I don’t open source it under the expectation of eventual profit. In fact, i hope by putting it out there it might become better as others improve upon it and we all benefit.

I agree with this. The problem is, you've open sourced it and someone else does profit to the tune of millions/billions. That seems unfair and is why I'm sympathetic to these sorts of license changes sometimes. Seems like they went into this knowing full well many would move to forks.

> If you didn’t want to license it that way then don’t do so from the beginning and you probably won’t get as many of the aforementioned benefits.

Fair point. Was that foreseeable in 2009? A lot of the actions we take now are based on what's reasonably foreseeable in the future. I honestly don't recall.


2 hours ago

Well if they did not give away it for free in first place AWS could not have taken it. They are only themselves to blame for giving away free samples and then crying when in entirely morally justifiable way someone decides to sell their free product as service. Should have done that themselves.

And second thing is, often the pricing of these monetization turns is just exploitative.


2 hours ago

Pretty poor take.

You can be generous without wanting to be taken advantage of. Using a product is one thing, reselling it and becoming the defacto place people use it is another.

Another take is that if Amazon eats everyone’s lunch, we will have nothing else.


2 hours ago

One is a hosting company using software under the terms that it was licensed. The other is the author(s) of software getting a following with very permissive licensing and then changing the deal after the software has been adopted.

The blowback is because of the deal being changed.


42 minutes ago

Because actually monetizing FOSS is a good thing, but turning it proprietary is a bad thing.


2 hours ago

The difference is the blow back comes from the users affected. I have no love for Amazon or Google, but if I'm currently using Redis as part of my product or service, forcing these new terms is threatening my business because I rely on it. My employer specifically tracks all third party software we use and this new license wouldn't fly - we would be forced to find an alternative.


2 hours ago

> but if I'm currently using Redis as part of my product or service, forcing these new terms is threatening my business because I rely on it.

Unless your primary product involves selling a hosted version of Redis, simply using it shouldn't affect anyone. Is this not the case ?


an hour ago

No, because now AWS will be selling a fork and virtually everyone will be using that instead. Now we have a broken ecosystem, having to support effectively two libraries or a lowest-common-denominator, but only because they're mad that their open source software was popular (!?) and want a do-over, even though it never would have been popular to begin with if it wasn't open source.

All of these open-source-no-wait-lol-jk companies want to have their cake (widespread adoption because it's open source) and eat it too (be rentiers paid to host and support the software they released).

It's especially egregious in the case of Redis as Redis Labs hasn't been the primary contributor for a number of years. As is always the case with closed source relicensing it's a landgrab.


2 hours ago

some of these licensing changes have led to larger players forking and/or implementing their own version.

personally i appreciate Amazon for sticking it to Oracle with Corretto after the JRE licensing changes.


2 hours ago

The article suggests valkey as an alternative with nice features in recent versions.

If redis finds a way to integrate these features from these other fork(s) back into its own product, adds additional "enterprise" feature set on top and sell it, I wonder how it will be received by the OSS community.

Are there any products that are importing features from their more permissive competitive forks ?


3 hours ago

I was recently looking at keydb due to the licensing move and well I also liked the fact that the data can be encrypted at rest, but it looks like there hasn't been any activity on the repo in 5 months, anyone familiar with it or have good alternatives there?


2 hours ago

This is mature software, unless you have a bug that isn't getting addressed, I wouldn't use the last commit as evidence for much here.


2 hours ago

Does this move ever go well?


2 hours ago

On other side one has to ask does not doing this work out? Spend lot of money making product and giving it out free. With no proper realistic plan how to make money at sufficient scale with it. Free money runs out what you do next? This or just simply die?


2 hours ago

I was wondering that also. Didn't they learn anything from elastic doing the same and backtracking?


2 hours ago

Sure, the goal of a company is profit not market share. Plenty of businesses that couldn't make money while expanding make all their money over the years or decades it takes to drive all the customers away.


2 hours ago

Can redis essentially be replaced with postgresql with unlogged tables or memcached (if you really wanted pure caching)?


2 hours ago

I'm still a bit out of the loop here. How exactly does the Redis license change affect me anyway, as an end user who just runs Redis binaries and does not use or sell any managed redis service?


2 hours ago

It greatly reduces the number of people outside of the backing company who are willing to spend their time working on improvements to Redis.

Over time that means the dependency you are using has less improvements than if you lived in a parallel universe where it was still open source.


2 hours ago

Not much really, imho Redis is pretty much "done" for what most people use it for. Looking at the commit graphs in the last 24 months the number of commits have not changed drastically either, so you'll be fine.

It might be an issue later when you decide to monetize and go big, but then perhaps a cloud providers solution may be a better option.