Scaling up linear programming with PDLP

139 pointsposted 9 hours ago
by bookofjoe



4 hours ago

In this post, I don’t see any comparisons of their solver to other LP solvers on benchmarks, so it’s difficult to know how useful this is.


4 hours ago

I think it's partially excusable. Most LP solvers target large-scale instances, but instances that still fit in RAM. Think single-digit millions of variables and constraints, maybe a billion nonzeros at most. PDLP is not designed for this type of instances and gets trounced by the best solvers at this game [1]: more than 15x slower (shifted geometric mean) while being 100x less accurate (1e-4 tolerances when other solvers work with 1e-6).

PDLP is targeted at instances for which factorizations won't fit in memory. I think their idea for now is to give acceptable solutions for gigantic instances when other solvers crash.



2 hours ago

Hans D Mittlemann, you are my top dude when it comes to web design. A salute your aesthetic.



an hour ago

FYI the table does not include the commercial top dogs (ibm cplex, gurobi, Fico Xpress), since due to politics they all withdrew


3 hours ago

Their numerical results with GPUs, compared to Gurobi, are quite impressive [1]. In my opinion (unless I'm missing something), the key benefits of their algorithms lie in the ability to leverage GPUs and the fact that there’s no need to store factorization in memory. However, if the goal is to solve a small problem on a CPU that fits comfortably in memory, there may be no need to use this approach.



2 hours ago

I agree that their results are impressive. Just to be clear, however:

1. They compare their solver with a 1e-4 error tolerance to Gurobi with 1e-6. This may seem like a detail, but in the context of how typical LPs are formulated, this is a big difference. They have to do things this way because their solver simply isn't able to reach better accuracy (meanwhile, you can ask Gurobi for 1e-9, and it will happily comply in most cases).

2. They disable presolve, which is 100% reasonable in a scientific paper (makes things more reproducible, gives a better idea of what the solver actually does). If you look at their results to evaluate which solver you should use, though, the results will be misleading, because presolve is a huge part of what makes SOTA solvers fast.


2 hours ago

hmm... I am reading [1] right now. When looking at their Table 7 and Table 11 in [1], they report comparison results with Gurobi presolve enabled and 1e-8 error. Do I miss anything?

Their performance isn't quite as good as Gurobi's barrier method, but it's still within a reasonable factor, which is impressive.


8 minutes ago

Regarding presolve: When they test their solver "with presolve", they use Gurobi's presolve as a preprocessing step, then run their solver on the output. To be clear, this is perfectly fair, but from the perspective of "can I switch over from the solver I'm currently using", this is a big caveat.

They indeed report being 5x slower than Gurobi at 1e-8 precision on Mittelmann instances, which is great. Then again, Mittelmann himself reports them as 15x off COpt, even when allowed to do 1e-4. This is perfectly explainable (COpt is great at benchmarks; there is the presolve issue above; the Mittelmann instance set is a moving target), but I would regard the latter number as more useful from a practitioner's perspective.

This is not to diminish PDLP's usefulness. If you have a huge instance, it may be your only option!


7 hours ago

I often see the sentiment, essentially, a method is much better because it uses only matvecs (rather than factorize and solve). This always confuses me, because the game for numerical linear algebra folks is inventing funky preconditioners to fit their problem, right? Unless people are subtly saying “our new method converges incredibly quickly…”

ILU0 is practically free, right?


4 hours ago

There are tons of different games to play. Designing a preconditioner that's specific to the problem being solved can help you beat incomplete LU, often by a substantial (even asymptotic) margin.

If you have a problem that's small enough to factorize and solve, that's great. That probably is the best approach. This doesn't scale in parallel. For really big problems, iterative methods are the only game in town.

It's all about knowing the range of methods that are applicable to your problem and the regimes in which they operate best. There's no one-size-fits-all solution.


4 hours ago

I agree, I was just using ilu as sort of a well known example. Also, because ILU0 has no fill-in, it should (IMO) be considered the “baseline” in the sense that not trying it should be justified somehow.


6 hours ago

Preconditioning would only apply to approaches like interior point methods, where the condition number quickly approaches infinity.


4 hours ago

I wonder if they put any matrices in the suitesparse collection, or anything like that. It would be a nice fun weekend project to just play around with them.


6 hours ago

Slightly off topic but does anybody have any resources for learning linear programming for business applications?


5 hours ago

I'd recommend getting the 9th or 10th edition of Introduction to Operations Research by Hillier and Lieberman. 9th: You can search for the 10th edition. Both are available used for less than 50 USD in good condition. The book covers a lot more than linear programming. A solution manual for both editions can be found on the internet.

A good "free-pdf" optimization book, to support the above is, Algorithms for Optimization by Kochenderfer & Wheeler ( ). It has a chapter on constrained linear optimization with Julia code and is a good secondary resource. Kochenderfer, Wheeler, and colleagues also have two other free optimization books that are a little more advanced. It is exceptionally cool that they make the high quality PDF freely available; more authors in the technical space are making their books freely available as pdf and I applaud them for it.


5 hours ago

I recommend this blog:

Not all posts are business related but you can learn many practical tricks hard to find in books.


2 hours ago

GAMS is such a wild language/environment.

I don’t know of anything better, but I’m currently reliving nightmares from my Masters


11 minutes ago

JuMP is comparably good I think. People reasonably don’t want to add a new language to their stack. But if you’re just formulating MPs it’s as nice as anything, free, and you have a well designed modern programming language if you need it.


3 hours ago

I add my +1 to this. I often come across this blog posts while working as a OR professional.


6 hours ago

I really wish I could find solid websites/blogs/resources for operations research, mathematical planning, linear programming, etc aimed at regular software engineers. I feel like a lot of the really crazy parts of codebases often derive from inexperience with these kinds of tools.


3 hours ago

I write blog posts about constraint programming from time to time. I always include a step-by-step description of the model, which makes it fairly easy to understand. Hopefully this can be of help for you:


5 hours ago

You could just grab or-tools and work through their example problems, then extend it to something in your area of interest. The Python APIs are easy to experiment with.