Hollywood Can't Ditch Its Teslas Fast Enough:"They're Destroying Their Leases.."

37 pointsposted 3 hours ago
by iancmceachern



3 hours ago

Regardless of whether or not you agree with him, Elon has really offered everyone a masterclass in alienating your own customer base.


2 hours ago

If there ever was a guy who could have become a real life Tony Stark, but instead he chose to be a 4chan edgelord. What a waste.


2 hours ago

He didn't build much himself, so where could he be Tony Stark?


2 hours ago

Neither did Tony Stark, excluding that one episode stuck in a cave with a box of scraps.


2 hours ago

You can criticize him all day. Reality is he is building rockets, electric cars, kids with multiple women, ai, neuralink, humanoid robots. Opinions of people are worthless. They think it matters because it gives them an illusion they are living a worthy life blah blah blah. At the end result matters.


2 hours ago

I like the idea that "kids with multiple women" is somehow an achievement more notable than Neuralink or robots.


an hour ago

Perhaps it's a thing that incels admire. Elon is living the life they desire.


16 minutes ago

Also genetically varied offsprings from point of view of nature is probably the only measure on how successful your life is. Have stood the test of time for millions of years.

Beliefs and opinions like labeling someone else incel physiologically create an illusion that you are somehow better than me. If fooling yourself helps you physiologically why not I am an incel.

Truth is harder to reach and require more than word gimmicks.


2 hours ago

Having all the facts about Musk clearly available now, the people who he got rich with, is clear evidence we perhaps chose to not see, or didn't yet see, the edgelord he always was.


3 hours ago


I was rather hoping that this would at least attract the (stereotypically not interested in the environment) republicans, but apparently not.


2 hours ago

It's pretty amazing how much they really like Elon (enough to put him on a billboard with Trump) but they'll still shit talk EVs and solar power with abandon.


2 hours ago

Because according to Trump EVs don't work.


3 hours ago

No they want big trucks modded to blow extra smoke so they can own the libs.

People on twitter told Elon he was nuts the very first time he started toying with conservative ideas. Just jam that whole hand in your mouth and bite the wrist that feeds you. Great idea bud. He’s a fucking idiot for having not listened. Which any of his dozen children also could have told you.


3 hours ago

> Which any of his dozen children also could have told you.

Perhaps; certainly he would benefit from an anti-sycophant to tell him "no" and that he will listen to.


2 hours ago

Anecdotally, the number of Telsas that have popped up in my deep red state is astounding. My own brother bought a Tesla Y a few months ago, then my father bought one just this month. I go to the gym and can pretty reliably count 15+ Teslas in the parking lot. I see cybertrucks almost daily now, whereas a year ago, I had never seen one in person. I am also planning on buying a Tesla next year, after I get my solar system up and going. We republicans may not do these things because we're worried about global warming or climate change, but I can tell you we certainly care about air quality and cool technology, at least where I'm from.


an hour ago

> We republicans may not do these things because we're worried about global warming or climate change (…)

Hilarious every way I turn it. The consequences of global warming are ever more clear, but for the time being cooler cars prevail. I’m not trying to moralize here, just pointing out that the reasoning here is very funny. If I ever catch you recycling plastic I’ll be sure it’s only because it involves cool technology.


2 hours ago

Of course you'd never seen a Cybertruck a year ago because they were not yet available.


2 hours ago

The Chinese make much longer range electric/hybrid vehicles now, with better interiors, and cheaper prices.

Should Trump win, arguably Musk is helping him to win by providing a free speech platform, Trump is more likely to tariff Chinese competition.


3 hours ago

The Ford Mustang Mach E is a compelling alternative to a Tesla.


2 hours ago

Any reason why that car in particular? It looks to me like there are lots of compelling alternatives right now (Korean, European, Chinese, …).


2 hours ago

The only car I would consider instead over Model Y would be a Rivian R2, which is not out for a while. And I really like FSD.


2 hours ago

I have had a great experience with Ioniq 5 and the real world range is better than Model Y (similar price point model).


2 hours ago

I'm suspect of your range claim, do you have a source?


2 hours ago

My colleague decided to just get a Porsche Taycan instead.


3 hours ago

My Tesla Model Y is the best thing I've ever bought. There's nothing else close on the market. The other options are really poor. Most other EVs are ugly, clunky and lame, have poor driver assistance features, charge slowly, or have other major drawbacks.

I know many people who have Tesla vehicles and think they are excellent products. However, Elon Musk's descent into mean, angry, offensive, lazy, factually incorrect and incoherent right-wing idiocy has made every one of us uncomfortable with continuing to support the company. Most of us are actively considering other, worse brands for our next car. Many people I know or have talked to won't even consider a Tesla now.

It's also no longer exciting to talk about the company or the products. It used to be exciting to talk about the future, electrification, technology. Now it's all mired in the muck of angry MAGA politics.

It's a real problem. I think Elon Musk is (was?) probably the best entrepreneur and businessperson since Steve Jobs, and his reputation has been permanently stained by his actions in the past couple years.

Unfortunately, I think the same brain thing - stubbornness, singlemindedness, grit - that made him able to build unusually incredible companies like Tesla and SpaceX are going to cause him to continue doubling down on his current self-destructive path.


2 hours ago

A model Y owner calling other EVs ugly?


2 hours ago

Yes, correct.


2 hours ago

This is called, “cutting your nose to spite your face”.


2 hours ago

What is?


2 hours ago

Dumping what you find to be the best vehicle for your needs / technical enjoyment based on either a personality in the company, the fear of other’s impression of you for driving it, or both.


an hour ago

Buying an expensive product from company headed by a tyrannical loonie throws long-term support into question. Will a software update brick my car on the highway? Will the company try to shove self-driving “functionality” down my throat? Will Musk remotely disable my car because I said something mean about him on Twitter? How much competent staff is Tesla retaining these days?


2 hours ago

I know right! Tells you a lot about how unlikable Elon has become that it feels like a trade-off worth making.

Also, people make this exact argument a lot, but I have found that when they do they usually just agree with Elon's new politics. Do you?


2 hours ago

For people with a ton of money, it's not really much of a trade-off.

They are also not much of a status symbol anymore, so they don't fulfill the attention seeking drive.


3 hours ago

You know, a lot of other people work at Tesla besides Elon Musk.


3 hours ago

And if they got in the news for their connection to Tesla, they'd also be relevant.

Musk's greatest strength is his biggest weakness: being a showman who grabs most of the limelight was critical to getting enough people, buyers and investors, interested in electric cars before the charger network was there; now all that is working against him (and all his companies), especially in the absence of a dedicated PR team.


2 hours ago

Maybe the other people of Tesla should stand up against their company damaging CEO.

Otherwise we can assume consent.


2 hours ago

But Elon is the only one who works in PR.


3 hours ago

And they all answer to the same executive.


3 hours ago

Elon is raining hellfire on anything close to him right now, it’s hard to look past him.


3 hours ago

LMAO, “raining hellfire” no hyperbole in this comment at all.


2 hours ago

Just like the presidential candidate Musk endorses.


3 hours ago

Hollywood overestimates its relevance. I don’t own one but Teslas are still the best electric cars.


3 hours ago

Yes, but this is wider trend. EV sales are flat to down last quarter. This is pretty much exclusively due to sales of Teslas slumping. All pretty much all of the other EV manufacturers have sold record volume.


3 hours ago

Lucid unquestionably owns the title of best electric car.

And in my opinion Porsche deserves second place.

But at price points well out of reach of most people.


3 hours ago

Not forget depreciation... Which for some Porche EVs seem just to be absolutely horrendous.


3 hours ago

That’s for a lot of EVs and that’s not going to change until they’ve been around for a while and people realize the batteries are rock solid.


3 hours ago

"best" is relative. They are innovative in some things.


2 hours ago

That might depend on what you value. I recently learned what it takes to open the door of a Tesla, in the case you crash and the doors lose power. Obviously there's an emergency door opener, but I wouldn't trust that my kid could find and use that on their own. That alone would keep me from buying a Tesla.

For me, Teslas have a number of what I consider design flaws, but which are sold as features.


2 hours ago

> but I wouldn't trust that my kid could find and use that on their own

I’m not sure how old your kid is, but you’re making something that is very simple in reality into something that is very complicated in your mind.

It’s a lever. People who don’t know to press the button pull it up all the time. It’s the most obvious thing in the world.

I will also add that “kid-proof catastrophic car crash back up door opening options” rarely rate high on make or break features for cars.

If anyone takes this concern seriously, I strongly recommend you take a test drive and check it out for yourself. There is a ton of FUD around teslas that largely seems to be spread by folks who have little or no actual experience with them.

I own a model y. It’s not perfect, but the imperfections are rarely the ones you read about on HN.


2 hours ago

Almost all that stuff is misremembered or misreported.


3 hours ago

I think there are plenty of other competent alternatives on the market now that match the price points of Teslas. Their supercharger network with free or cheap access was their main competitive advantage. I don’t think it’s as relevant now for a purchasing decision.


2 hours ago

I mostly agree. Tesla cars have been surpassed quality-wise for quite some time now by the established manufacturers from Europe and Asia. But Tesla's charger network is still a boon. Charging on the road is really a hassle with all the different networks trying to lock you in. In Europe AFIR [1] is going to change that, but it is going to take some time.

[1] https://transport.ec.europa.eu/transport-themes/clean-transp...


2 hours ago

There really aren't.


3 hours ago

Not necessarily, I have a Ford F150 Lightning and it’s a fantastic truck. I’d pick it over my old model 3.


2 hours ago

Between X and TikTok, The Kosher Nostra in Hollywood is losing the culture war. So expect some panic, and foolish decisions.


2 hours ago

Finally someone with the bravery to blame the Jews!


3 hours ago

Elon’s sacrifice and protection of free speech on the internet has motivated me to support him financially, not only by paying for x.com’s premium+ but I am currently waiting for the CyberTruck to become available in Europe. I admire Elon a lot, not just for purchasing Twitter, not just as business man, but for what he has achieved with SpaceX: successful where long time aeronautical companies like Boeing have failed.


2 hours ago

Can you post the word 'cis' or 'cisgender' on X?


2 hours ago

He as achieved?

Who exactly build the rockets?