Can't change security policy or disable SIP with macOS 15 Sequoia

42 pointsposted 6 hours ago
by transpute



5 hours ago

As someone working in developer tools for a company with thousands of people developing software on MacBooks, MAN do I resent SIP. I've recently started calling it "Systems Implementation Prevention".

It's incredible that it's 2024 and I can't cobble together anything vaguely container-like on macOS because:

* bind mounts don't exist (?!)

* clonefile() could maaaybe do the job but doesn't work cross-volume and a lot of the stuff outside of /Users is a different volume

* there's no filesystem namespace.

* chroot doesn't work either because /usr/lib/libsystem.B.dylib is required, but also pretend.

* And it sounds like chroot runs afoul of some SIP rule nowadays even if you can get past the above.

* A lot of this could be worked around with FUSE, but in order to turn that on, we'd have to turn off a lot of SIP.

The closest we can get without virtualization is sandbox-exec, which just allows allowing/denying file reads by path, with no path translation. And also is deprecated.

Nevermind that dtrace exists but you're not allowed to use it either.

Truly, the worst UNIX.


5 hours ago

> * A lot of this could be worked around with FUSE, but in order to turn that on, we'd have to turn off a lot of SIP.

Didn't the latest MacOS update add something similar with userspace filesystems


11 minutes ago

Not macOS directly, but there’s fuse-t which works in userspace and just creates an NFS server which it automatically mounts via macOS-own capabilities.

The library is a drop-in replacement for libfuse and works great for me.


4 hours ago

> Nevermind that dtrace exists but you're not allowed to use it either.

You're not losing anything, dtrace even without SIP has been broken and unusable for at least 2 major versions now.


5 hours ago

Why do you want to avoid virtualization?


5 hours ago

It's very heavyweight, and there's no good shared filesystem option.

We did use virtualization for a bunch of stuff before the move to Apple Silicon, back when Hypervisor.framework and xhyve actually existed and were plausibly useful.

Those also fell by the wayside in the architecture migration and now virtualization has a massive performance cost.

Apparently the M4 chips are on ARMv9 which is apparently much better at virtualization, but it remains to be seen whether apple provides anything lightweight again.


5 hours ago

> It's very heavyweight

I guess your dainty, utopian senses are irrationally offended by something that works. Some types of virtualization offer hard isolation guarantees while cgroups, chroot, jails and the like provide pretend isolation lacking hard guarantees about either security or resource limits. KVM is tiny and so is Virtualization.framework. If you want perfect "containers", you're not going to find them anywhere because they try solve a problem (convenience, speed, and isolation) at the wrong level, in the wrong way. Type 1 Xen and VMware are the gold standards supporting all sorts of deduplication, replication, and migration options that containers can't touch. Type 2 Kata Containers is another option out there with stronger guarantees with the same interface as CRI. If these don't work for you, write a better solution that can divvy disk IOPS and latency, process manipulation, memory shares and bandwidth, network bandwidth and priority, and VFS fairly while sandboxing misbehaving processes from taking down other containers on the same host. I submit that these are essentially impossible goals with the architecture of Linux, which is why variants of virtualization providing paravirtualized guests is generally superior in providing service guarantees because there is out-of-band management exterior to fallible, DoSable containers.


3 hours ago

> I guess your dainty, utopian senses are irrationally offended by something that works

1) What


3 hours ago

Bro read one line and went crazy


5 hours ago

Filesystem perf is definitely an issue, but cpu wise virtualization perf is basically free on Apple Silicon. I don’t know why you think Hypervisor.framework went away or became useless in the architecture migration. Obviously x86 VMs are slow, but we’ve been using arm64 VMs for years now with great results.


5 hours ago

Ok, probably I'm over-interpreting some first-year pain with the new chips.

Anyway, even at that, virtualization isn't really my preferred way to solve any of the problems I have.


5 hours ago

Uh, Hypervisor still exists, and is still supported:


5 hours ago

Yep. However, before the Apple Silicon migration, VT-x gave us extremely low-overhead virtualization. We built a tiny linux kernel that booted in a second or two and were able to run whatever we wanted with minimal perf overhead.

In the Apple Silicon migration, obviously emulating x86_64 got slow, but even when we built ARM64 VMs, performance was still miserable: there was (is?) no way -- at least no way we ever figured out -- to get reasonable perf out of virtualization on a macbook.

It's possible that this changed post-M1 and it sounds likely it's set to change with M4.

EDIT: ok, I'm probably hallucinating more problem than there actually turned out to be based on the pain in the first year of the M1 chips.


28 minutes ago

If you are referring to the nested virtualisation support in ARM v8, it was added in the ARM v8.3-A revision of the architecture, and M1 uses ARM v8.5-A as the baseline.

But yes, virtualisaiton support for ARM (in general) was abysmal and Apple Silicon was the catalyst that pushed people over the edge towards improving it across aarch64 (also in general).


3 hours ago

> Truly, the worst UNIX.

You're not the target market.



3 hours ago

It's still the worse unix, if the target market don't care don't change that fact


2 hours ago

If the Xserve's legacy is anything to go by, neither are UNIX customers.


6 hours ago

After upgrading, I was prompted to allow the AltTab utility to control something "for one month," or to open Settings. So I opened Settings and everything was already enabled.

The question is who is clamoring for all this BS? The cynic would say that Apple is prepping us all for the eventual iOSification of Macs, where you can't do squat. Which will leave only Linux as a viable (AKA tolerable) computing platform.


6 hours ago

and iTerm, Zoom, WebEx, Teams, talosctl... All kinds of prompts like that only to find everything enabled.


5 hours ago

it’s pretty obnoxious especially when it’s something vital that I use my mac for everyday like displaylink or google chrome audio sharing or microsoft teams


3 hours ago

For everyone who reads the title and instantly assumes this is something Apple has done—this is a tech support request for an error this person has encountered.


6 hours ago

I did a .ipsw restore of my M1 Mac mini to 15 Sequoia RC last week and have since gone in and lowered the Security Policy to install ZFS kexts. I wonder if your issue is a bug relating to your multi MacOS boot setup? Have you posted this on MacRumors or elsewhere?


2 hours ago

Apple products and iDevices have always been, and will always continue to be, overpriced status symbols. I don't know of anyone who uses a machine for any serious work (read: enterprise) who isn't using Linux.

The fact that Apple unilaterally dictates what you can or cannot do with your own computer is par for the course and frustrastingly consistent with their "Apple knows best and everyone else is wrong" mentality.


5 hours ago

The ideal state for Apple and their target audience is to make your computer an appliance. They really don't want a wide set of configuration options, that makes it harder to service and harder to test.

People are kind of anchored to how Mac is / used to be etc, thinking of it as basically another unix. That's a historical blip in retrospect. Long term, their market really isn't developers & technical users, there are not enough of those to make concessions to.

In order to really help Aunt Sally keep her computer running and functional, they need to make sure that her nephew Billy can't make any complicated or potentially dangerous changes to the lower levels of the OS based on some internet forum post. If you need that kind of configurability, you really want a different OS. (Alternately, consider whether you really do need that configurability. Maybe you just think you do, and you'd much rather have a stable operating system that just works)


5 hours ago

> How do I fix it?

Image the partitions to a backup location. Zero the entire drive. Clear nvram. Reinstall macOS 15. See if it’s resolved.


5 hours ago



6 hours ago



6 hours ago

I don’t understand. Can you explain?


6 hours ago

He’s suggesting that people shouldn’t buy apple products.

Given that the only viable commercial alternative is Windows, with arguably much more egregious user-hostile behaviour (especially towards power users) I find his comment disingenuous.

Edit: Downvoted for answering? Shame on you HN.


6 hours ago

Hey, if you don't want to admit that both OSes are metastasizing the same tumor it's not my problem. I don't use either MacOS or Windows nowadays, but my experience developing with WSL was ~10x more stable than any Mac environment I've made for the same purpose. For Docker, the performance differential is so wide it's embarrassing.


6 hours ago

The alternatives are not commercially viable. (even though I am a Linux/OpenBSD user- and a loud one).

MacOS is perfectly serviceable with things like colima.

Calling MacOS user-hostile (due to SIP being enforced?!) is quite a bit different than the actual major usability issues that Windows has been pushing on users, it’s not fair to compare them like this.

Commercially viable Linux desktops can’t come soon enough; though desktop computing is dying.


6 hours ago

"I don't know the answer, but I have strong opinions about the question."


6 hours ago



6 hours ago

> Stop using Apple products

Remember that all of the above applies to any device with Secure Boot; including but not limited to all Android devices. Additionally, let's not pretend Windows is the paragon of user freedom.


6 hours ago

All true, which is why I daily drive Qubes OS with coreboot and TPM with my own keys.


6 hours ago

Wherever the bootloader is open, none of that really tends to matter.

> Additionally, let's not pretend Windows is the paragon of user freedom.

False dichotomy


6 hours ago

Fair dichotomy when modern computers have very hit-and-miss Linux compatibility. Who cares if the bootloader's unlocked when sleep doesn't work?


5 hours ago

I've been using Linux on laptops almost exclusively for years. I made two exceptions:

1) one job required mac laptops. The user experience was, for my tastes, subpar, and the performance was the same or worse.

2) I keep a windows install around for the rare case of playing a game.

It really isn't that hard to look up hardware compatibility online, and of the three OSs, windows is easily the worst. Booting occasionally fails, sometimes reboot will shut down, or the shut down option will reboot instead.

I've had less problems running Linux (currently fedora) than anything else in the last, I dunno, 8 years?


5 hours ago

> It really isn't that hard to look up hardware compatibility online

Code for, “buy a new computer.” In which case my point stands even stronger: who cares if the boot loader is locked, if I can just buy a different computer with it unlocked?

Also, good for you that Linux works. That’s not anywhere close to universal.


34 minutes ago

It may, however, be far more common than you expect.


6 hours ago

> To Apple, it doesn't matter if your livelihood or carefully-written software relies on a depreciated feature. They never have.

not entirely true, but especially true of Steve Jobs, who seemed to make some special personal effort to crush people and their products. The current CEO was hand-picked by Jobs for his ability to dominate contract negotiations IIR.