Notes on Using LLMs for Code

23 pointsposted 10 hours ago
by duck



6 hours ago

I don't want to supercharge my productivity.

I have never understood how "productivity" intersects with writing code. Apply it to any other artform and it sounds absurd.

"Supercharge your productivity" while painting. "Supercharge your productivity" while composing a symphony. "Supercharge your productivity" while authoring a novel.

The more coding is reduced to rote "reqs input -> logic output", the more our industry is screwed.


6 hours ago



5 hours ago

Yeah, I didn’t pick that episode title!

Being able to write code faster absolutely does make a difference for me though - it helps me be much more ambitious with the projects I take on.

I wrote a note about that a few days ago:


9 hours ago

Apropos of nothing in particular ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I've found Simon Willison's site / blog super valuable and helpful in learning - everything from lots of hacks to factoids, to technical tidbits about bleeding edge tech (like llm), and more.

Thank you, Sir


10 hours ago
