Visualizing Weather Forecasts Through Landscape Imagery

179 pointsposted 4 hours ago
by lds133



35 minutes ago

Cute, and with small adjustments, I'd be legitimately using this. There are just better ways to interpret things:

1. Make the bending trees signify wind direction. Have to get creative with north and south, but a tree bent down vs out can do, and the bend or size and clustering of trees should signify magnitude of the wind.

2. Put sunrise and sunset as literally sun over the horizon, not the sun and moon.

3. Make the night sky shaded differently than day

4. Don't start at "current time" but rather a fixed point, either morning or midnight, and specify the "now" via the location of the house


13 minutes ago

Incomprehensible. Needs lots of time for mentally processing. A flower for indicating time of day / night? Just the association between tree variety and directions alone is... well, the dude is a SW dude, so per definition susceptible to weird trains of thoughts.


2 hours ago

I noodled with a project a couple of years ago to pick art based on the weather

put it on 'manual filter' and try setting some of the filters, you can see the tagged images it comes up with. I wasn't really interested in this being an accurate weather report, I was thinking more of using it in a photoframe or as a desktop background for mood.

the image tags are all in here

and were largely done manually, I started by picking paintings I liked, then looking for gaps in the tags and trying to find paintings to cover those.


2 hours ago

This is super-fun. Kinda makes me want to do the following: set up a camera to take regular photos of a greenspace near my house. Record couldcover data and date stamps alongside the images, and then then show the most similar image to the current forecast as a background, maybe on my laptop. Wouldn't convey as much information as this project, but it could be very satisfying.


15 minutes ago

Is Ubuntu 24.04 supported? (Docker Desktop doesn't support 24.04 currently)


3 hours ago

Great work! That said if we are focusing on the UX, has got the best weather reporting experience.

Ex: I am almost never interested in "30% chance of shower at 08:00pm" type of forecast. I am more interested in the trend in which the clouds/rains are moving. This helps me figure out which direction I can drive to get the best sunshine or whatever else.

Is there anyone else who is doing it the way is doing? I really love them, and so far their experience is great (almost no dark UX patterns), that said I would love to see some more competition in this space.


3 hours ago

> This helps me figure out which direction I can drive to get the best sunshine or whatever else.

I published a road trip weather app that crunches forecasts for you if you're going for a drive and would like to avoid the worst of the weather. It's great for evaluating whether to start a trip during the evening or the next morning. Timestamps are built using Google directions so you have about as accurate a forecast as you can in 2024.

> I am almost never interested in "30% chance of shower at 08:00pm" type of forecast.

I understand this sentiment but that is sorta where medium term forecasting is right now.

Android or iOS


3 hours ago

I’m a big fan of Meteoblue, they provide a lot of different forecast ensemble visualizations. While not the same as windy in terms of ux, it does a good job of conveying model uncertainty and model agreement.


an hour ago

We used earlier this year to choose our location for the total eclipse in Texas. Worked out perfectly - great view for the eclipse, then the clouds rolled in...


3 hours ago

This is one of the best microcontroller projects I've encoutered recently! Amazing work!


3 hours ago

It's an interesting idea, but some of the image semantics seem weirdly wrong. In particular, the sky shouldn't be light at night, and the sun shouldn't be high at sunrise.

If you have to learn counterintuitive things like "the appearance of the sun anywhere in the sky indicates sunrise", and "nighttime is indicated by, well, idk what exactly, but it's not darkness", it kind of fails at it's main purpose, I think.

EDIT: I'll add that many weather apps have a left-to-right timeline of some sort, and indicate sunrise and sunset with intuitive iconography.

EDIT2: The timeline view shows sky condition, day/night, moon phase, temperature, precipitation, and wind speed and direction in a nice compact left-to-right timeline. (click the summary in the upper left)


3 hours ago

Looks great, would love if it was fully offline and interface with sensors directly


3 hours ago

Maybe I misread the docs, but it looked like it was generating a visual for the whole day. If this were offline you could have it double as a clock and regenerate the image every N minutes.


3 hours ago

It's like a line-scan camera for the weather.


4 hours ago

Love the monochrome artwork, great work on this project.


3 hours ago

From readme:

> Traditional weather stations often display sensor readings as raw numerical data. Navigating these dashboards can be overwhelming and stressful, as it requires significant effort to locate, interpret, and visualize specific parameters effectively.

Simply fascinating. The reverse holds true for me. Numbers provide easily identifiable and recognizable references, while sample images look incomprehensible to me. Without accompanying descriptions, I'd never guess what the author is getting at (except in the broadest of strokes). To each their own, of course.


2 hours ago

In a somewhat related vein, the wonderful Ootside[0] website gives you the weather with a Scottish twist.

Mostly, the weather around where I live is described as 'Mostly shite'.



2 hours ago

It looks lovely but it's absolutely incomprehensible beyond "maybe it'll rain" and "maybe i'll be sunny". Without the explanation of what the symbols meant I'd never guess.


2 hours ago

Can't wait for the stable diffusion version :)