Show HN: EloqKV – Scalable distributed ACID key-value database with Redis API

22 pointsposted 2 days ago
by hubertzhang



a day ago

> EloqKV brings significant innovations to database design

What is the novel part? I read your "Introduction to Data Substrate" blog article and the architecture you are describing sounds like NuoDB from the early 2010s. The only difference is that NuoDB scales out the in-memory cache by adding more of what they call "Transaction Engine" nodes whereas you are scaling up the "TxMap" node?

See also Viktor Leis' CIDR 2023 paper with the Great Phil Bernstein:




a day ago

Thank you, Andy! This is Jeff, CEO and Chief Architect of EloqData. It's a great honor for us to have THE Andy Pavlo join the discussion on our first HN submission.

If I remember correctly, NuoDB uses a shared cache with a cache coherence protocol, whereas EloqKV uses a shared nothing (partitioned) cache. The former is a local read but needs to broadcast each write to all nodes. The latter has no broadcast for writes but may be a remote read. The tradeoff is evident and we are actively exploring opportunities to strike a balance, e.g., for frequently-read, rarely-write data items, use the shared cache mode.

We appreciate you pointing us to the CIDR paper. I had the pleasure of working with Phil for some time and fondly remember many discussions with Phil on various topics many years ago. To address your question, yes, we've been trying to solve the research challenges presented in the CIDR paper. The devil is in the details. We've developed numerous new algorithms and invested significant engineering effort into the design and implementation of our products. The benefits are as follows:

- Optimality: We believe we have an overall design that optimizes synchronous disk writes and network round-trips. For instance, when the design is reduced to a single node, its performance matches or exceeds that of single-node servers. As you might expect, a lot of innovation has gone into making distributed transactions as efficient as non-distributed ones, comparable to those in MySQL or PostgreSQL.

- Modularity: Our architecture allows us to easily replace the Parser/Compute layer and Storage/Persistence layer with the best existing solutions. This means we can create new databases by leveraging existing parsers and compute engines from current database implementations to achieve API-compatibility, as well as leveraging existing high-performance KV stores for the persistence layer. This allows us to avoid reinventing the wheels and to take advantage of decades of innovations in the database community.

- Scalability: The entire system operates without a single synchronization point—not even a global sequencer. We drew many inspirations from the Hekaton and your TicToc paper. All four types of resources (CPU, Memory, Storage, Logging) can be scaled independently, as we mentioned earlier. More importantly, they can scale dynamically to accommodate workload changes without service disruptions.

We look forward to sharing more technical details as we move out of stealth mode. I hope to continue this conversation with you in person in the near future.


3 hours ago

Redis's transaction api is terrible, and doesn't work across shards. Any reasonable transactions are done in Lua, and because Lua mostly works well, there's not a lot of pressure to fix transactions.

However, if you're giving redis access to different tenants, Lua is too dangerous.

I'd love to see a "real" transaction API for Redis.

This is really interesting! The performance looks impressive. I’ve always struggled with the Redis/MySQL two-tier architecture because they are two completely different systems. Porting an application is always tricky due to API incompatibility, and maintaining consistency between the two is a huge hassle. If there’s any issue on the cache side (like performance jitters or a few servers going down), the DBMS part can quickly get overwhelmed. This kind of cascading failure is a common problem in distributed systems. There are some great discussions on this topic over at BTW, although the formatting is a bit rough, it's a great read for anyone interested in caching. Back to the topic, I always hoped that new advancements in database systems can alleviate or eliminate this problem, your work seems to be on the right track.


a day ago

Thank you for your interest. I agree—if Redis (as a cache) and MySQL (as a store) are deployed separately, we can only achieve eventual consistency. That’s precisely why we’re integrating cache and storage into a single system, much like EloqKV.


4 hours ago

Show us the Jepsen tests. Hire Aphyr to test your database.


11 hours ago

Note that this binary release is a preview of EloqKV. We're actively developing a cloud-native version with seamless scalability and a serverless experience. Stay tuned—it's coming soon!


a day ago

It does seem that there are a lot of activities to replace/enhance/improve Redis lately. Dragonfly, Garnet from Microsoft, and the BSD licensed Redis fork Valkey, to name just a few. Now this.


a day ago

Yeah, it's just a happy coincidence that our product release lined up with the Redis license change. We think EloqKV is a way more powerful and versatile product than Redis. It can definitely be used as a simple in-memory cache, just like Redis, Valkey, or Dragonfly. But the real strength of EloqKV is in its full database capabilities: scalability, consistency, and high availability, all the things you'd expect from a modern database.


a day ago

I took a quick look at the evaluation you did on your blog section, and the numbers look amazing, a little too good to be true to be honest. It must be quite some effort to build this, who are you guys?


a day ago

By the way, I'm Hubert, the CTO of EloqData, I'm the one who submitted the post and happy to answer any questions you have.


a day ago

What is license ? I see Download but it is not clear if it is Open Source

Playing devil’s advocate here, I do have some doubts about the future dynamics between open source and database systems. Andy Pavlo mentioned in his CMU DB course that nowadays new database companies are either fully closed-source or only open a small portion of non-essential code.

If you think about it, databases are arguably a more critical piece of IT infrastructure than cybersecurity products. Yet, while cybersecurity companies are thriving with many company valuations exceeding $10 billion, database companies—especially those embracing open source—struggle to achieve similar commercial success. The few database companies that do reach high valuations are typically based on closed-source products, while those adopting open-source models often face significant challenges in becoming profitable.

It's also worth noting that many companies in the database space have recently changed their licenses around open source or source availability. If major players like MongoDB, ElasticSearch, and Redis are all making these tough decisions to build sustainable businesses, it might not be fair to simply blame corporate greed. Without adequate returns on investment, venture funding for database development could dry up, which would ultimately stifle innovation in this crucial sector.


a day ago

We are not yet open sourcing the code on our github site yet. The current release is a prebuilt binary, user can do whatever you want with the software (there is a license file in the downloaded tarball), EloqKV is not yet production ready, so please don't use it in a production environment.

We are a small team of developers, and currently EloqKV is still under heavy development. We would like to maintain agility and quickly iterate and improve our product with consistency with our customer's feedback. However, we are actively evaluating multiple paths to open sourcing our technology and any suggestions and concerns will certainly be kept in our mind as we progress.


a day ago


Having Open Source Project on GitHub does not mean you need to become less agile. First there will not be instantly 1000 of people sending you pull requests, second even if they do - you have no obligation to take them in.

However if you say, we can write crap code... and no one would know because they only see binaries, this is not really a way gain a good confidence

In my opinion those days just having a "binary you can use" is the worst way to go for something like database/data store. If you are not sure about your Open Source plans having something like SaaS solution with free tier so users can experiment easily could be way to go


a day ago

Thank you for the suggestions. We are currently developing a cloud-native version of EloqKV, with both Serverless and BYOC (Bring Your Own Cloud) options underway. The binary is a technology preview for those interested in experiencing the new architecture. EloqKV is built with a cloud-native focus, featuring a quaternary decoupling architecture that enables independent scaling of CPU, memory, storage, and logging. This design maximizes cloud elasticity for optimal scalability and resource efficiency. So I completely agree with the suggestion to offer a SaaS solution, allowing users to experiment.


a day ago

If it's not open-sourced, I’m not going to use it to store my critical data. Just saying...


a day ago

I second this. It's too risky and simply not worth it. Nevertheless, I find this "optional ACID" thing interesting. Many years ago when I was a graduate student, NoSQL was a big thing. It was widely claimed that transactions were expensive and you had to drop them in exchange to scale. I always had this question that if transactions were the culprit, why not turning them off? I later found that the relational system is such a monolith that everything (caching, concurrency control, logging, locking) is wired together in an extremely complex way and there is simply no "turning off".


5 hours ago

Redis simply serializes every operation, I thought. Transaction = run a Lua script as a single operation. I think that is ACID, if you count RAM as "durable" and doing one thing at a time as "concurrent".


10 hours ago

This binary release is a preview of EloqKV. We're actively developing a cloud-native version with seamless scalability and a serverless experience. Stay tuned—it's coming soon!