Zig's Curious Multi-Sequence for Loops (2023)

2 pointsposted 3 days ago
by mooreds



3 days ago

It's interesting how little respect `zip` gets: it existed back in the original Lisp, but as an unexposed helper function in the interpreter, and here also Zig seems to be adding syntax instead of having an explicit zip?

(OTOH, APL not only named it, ⍉, but even allows a dyadic argument specifying from much wider range of transpositions)


2 days ago


Btw, https://hn.algolia.com/?dateRange=all&page=0&prefix=true&que...

(Note curious bug surfaced by morbidred)

should be great for getting YC, according to my faith-based analysis

[Nitwithstanding (as you teach) cui bono analysis would be speedier variant which gets most of the way there anyway]

pS: whenever i type on HN, im already effectively, if only metaphorically, inebriated , so the ball is in your court, as they say

(Because otherwise i’d be tilting at neoVictorian as opposed to newEdwardian windmails)

[Edit: designori/designatori as synthesis (or compromise?) of Paul Romer’s endogenous growth engineers (type ii-minus) & Veblen’s technical soviets (type i-plus)?

Especially section III https://web.stanford.edu/~chadj/RomerNobel.pdf

pPs: as you understand designatori is more akin to painters than Painters, buy what about designori?]


2 days ago

That's a Veblen deep cut; thus far I'm only familiar with his big hit book (and Heinlein's The Roads Must Roll & TMIAHM). Legamus!

Interesting section III; from what I can tell the Union had figured out the nonrivalry of knowledge (delivering blueprints with their televisions, "what you have learned, teach your buddy" as a Pioneer House motto, "I want to know everything", etc.) but were somehow relying on it to get to a "beautiful far away"[0] in which people did sexy things like recite poetry, learn circus acts, and time travel back to the 1980s, instead of the future which Jane Jacobs had predicted, in which as soon as you invent CAM, you also have to invent all sorts of new schlep jobs revolving around the care and feeding of CAM cells.

Can you explicate your view of designori for me? I've a superficial knowledge of Bauhaus and Fuller, and a little familiar with https://www.artcenter.edu , but no knowledge of AAPL beyond https://www.globalnerdy.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/201... , so I'm not sure if the overarching end-to-end emphasis is what you have in mind?

Not far from Romer is https://pubs.aeaweb.org/doi/pdfplus/10.1257/aer.20160696 which to me implies that if one had control over a central bank, it'd be possible to steer a course allowing just as much Schumpeterian destruction[1] as maintains a socially desirable[2] level of employment?

Lagniappe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydTRk1l0ZqI

[0] Radio Yerevan was asked: why do we say true socialism is on the horizon? Radio Yerevan answers: because you can travel as fast and as far as you can, and still never reach the horizon...

[1] to what extent might celebrating that John Henry beat the steam drill, just before heart failure, be whistling past the graveyard?

[2] on the one hand, the fall of the Union was incredibly violence-free. On the other hand, russians who lived through it tend to remind me that in the decade after, the population adjusted downward in order to clear the resulting labour surplus.

EDIT: I'm loving the syntactic innovation of liminal (not closed but open sets?) references: i][j. If you're already metaphorically inebriated enough that we may dispense with questions of precedence, may I propose that we (under the forgetful functor of english) redistribute brackets from V to T and drink (or at least type) Akh?


2 days ago

Shorter Veblen: the difference between industry and business is the “conscientious withdrawal of efficiency”* practised by the latter?

* these days we shorten this phrase to "enshittification"

Lagniappe: https://tomlehrersongs.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/the-bo...

Mmm i was more fixated on the “absentee ownership”* aspect, which was triggered by your “know a tiny bit about all the things”

I have merely tabbed item?id=41519713 from HN tail, for v vs h integration is also at the backend of my mind (the slop-schlep — measured in microyarvins? — estimate for that doesnt look good?)

*excerpt here, dont mind the slapdashed heading? https://panarchy.org/veblen/absentee.html

>Indeed, it has taken something like a hundred years for the formulas of the economists to adapt themselves to the new run of facts in business and industry which set in in the days of Adam Smith.

See esp. the penultimate (Leninist?) paragraph “…grounded in traditional common sense…” (TCS is related to conscientiousness, but very much anitithetical to Castalia) which i cant paste here due to my buggy OS

One of the reasons we still have family farms and the Old Country does not is that we prohibit absentee ownership of agricultural land.

It probably helps having freedom from the special clause Veblen mentions: "absentee ownership is safe-guarded by a special clause of the American constitution".

EDIT: v-integration is (don't tell the theoretical CS people; it'd ruin their fun) a practical application of the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maximum_subarray_problem (Kadane's is, incidentally, but a few characters of APL)

Riffing on great filters: anytime I see outcomes where tiny is highly likely but the few which are not tiny are huge, I tend to suspect stochastic mechanism. (Körner has a nice chapter somewhere, IIRC "Why are we not all called Smith?")

> one of the best signals that a category is investable is a previous failure with clear and actionable lessons

Just about the only useful thing I think I've learned from Victor Davis Hanson* is that you don't want to buy your farm machinery retail, you want to get it at auction, from the poor schlub who just failed in the field.

* shorter VDH: academia is bad because they want you to use the bathrooms when you piss

Im now having a metaphorical hangover, the earlier cavalier poeisizing of truth now strikes me with foreboding of schlep required to sober up answers to your bona fide followups. luckily, most of the softer stuff i had been integrating (without manifesting in prose) for some time , so, with the exception of big algebras & umbilicals & the more mathematical aspects of growth theory, it shant take more than 3 days, i should be able to outline thence at least the boundaries of what i know, & be secure in the belief that you wont disappear back into the ether like gvic :)

Im guessing i heard the persian story somewhere before..


17 hours ago

Tell me you didn't bother to read the blog post without telling me you didn't bother to read the blog post :^)