Michigan Micro Mote (M3) makes history as the smallest computer (2015)

49 pointsposted 5 days ago
by throwoutway



3 days ago

One key application for this line of smart sensors lies in personal security and information. Numerous specks of technology could be discretely placed to invisibly monitor a home, business, or personal device.

Do most people really want more pervasive surveillance?

I wonder how sensitive these are to EMP...


3 days ago

> I wonder how sensitive these are to EMP...

Potentially "not very". Their small size means you would need higher electric field to get decent voltage difference across the device.


3 days ago

I wonder how easily they can be "sniffed" out and found.


3 days ago

Why isn't this widely available yet? There's a few chips that can do battery free Bluetooth, but I haven't seen any commerical products.


3 days ago

This one is baterry-powered, and the article says power is the difficult part.


3 days ago

It also says:

> With the M3, engineers at Michigan are the first to accomplish energy neutrality via indoor energy harvesting in a wireless system of its size. With a 1mm2 solar cell producing 20nW, the device can harvest enough energy under ambient light to run perpetually.


3 days ago

No way to read the article any more ...

[UPDATE] Now it is back!