Ask HN: How's Your Cloudflare Experience?

4 pointsposted 3 days ago
by colinramsay

Item id: 41500085



3 days ago

You can email me (jgc@cloudflare) with the ticket number and I'll take a look.


3 days ago

You might have more luck asking on discord:

With the way Cloudflare works I'd say R2 is still a relatively young product and hasn't been heavily battle tested.

There are a lot of stable and working products.

And to support, well don't depend on it! If it works it works.


3 days ago

I wasn't aware they had a Discord, so that's in addition to "real" support and community support forums? Seems like a crazy way to approach things.


3 days ago

> community support forums

That's like the "old place" and then everyone moved to discord.

Well, discord is where the developers go (including the cloudflare 1s).

> Seems like a crazy way to approach things

In a way, you might get a faster/better response there than enterprise support!


3 days ago

Back in the day, the absolute best way (besides a personal contact) to get support for Stripe was via #stripe on Freenode where bunch of the devs hanged out.

If anyone who answered there is here, thank you for that unofficial but speediest support channel!