Ask HN: Does Screwy SEC 174 tax reg make Canada a better place to bootstrap?

6 pointsposted 3 days ago
by brutus1213

Item id: 41499793



3 days ago

> better VC funding, better labor pool

Did these 2 go away?

And isnt cost of living in Vancouver and Toronto both quite high? And are either as appealing a place to live as big cities in the US?


3 days ago

For VC funded startups, I would imagine sec 174 is less bad. For bootstrapping, I just can't imagine how to make it work. A Canadian company can hire globally without the craziness of this amortization too.


3 days ago

> A Canadian company can hire globally without the craziness of this amortization too.

Do you mean legitimately or in a wink-wink sense?

Because the issue dealing with the foreign country not your own country, right? That’s why so many US companies go the contract route with international talent right?